Goldbugs Move to Crypto-Currency on Low Bitcoin prices Via Agora Commodities
Trading gold and silver for Bitcoin is the next logical step for sound monatarists.
Many people might have felt dismayed when the price of Bitcoin collapsed from over $1000 USD to its current level of around $350. This stunning value depreciation doesn't seem to have effected Sound Monetarists, who have traditionally only hoarded precious metals, from moving those assets into Bitcoin.
Agora Commodites, a leader in Bitcoin to precious metals transactions has noted the marked increase of inquiries and transactions from customers wanting to move their physical bullion into Bitcoin. This is in stark contrast to when Bitcoin was sailing to $1000 when almost all the transactions were Bitcoin to bullion in nature.
Joseph Castillo, CEO of Agora Commodities, puts the influx of gold & silver holders moving into Bitcoin this way, "There has been many comparisons made between precious metals and Bitcoin. Some people have even deemed Bitcoin as Gold 2.0. Our recent surge in customers selling their gold and silver for Bitcoin reflects this trend. People who have long turned to gold and silver as a vanguard to fiat currency see this as another logical medium to store their wealth."
Agora Commodties
Agora Commodties is the leading Bitcoin to precious metals dealer. They offer all the traditional bullion investment products like American Gold Eagles and Silver Eagles plus many more investment grade precious metals options. Agora Commodities is also the only bullion dealer currently buying precious metals for Bitcoin. Contact them to see what options you have for protecting yourself from the wealth destroying policies of the Federal Reserve.
Agora Commodties
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