Bitcoin Center NYC To Welcome Prominent Nonprofit Leader on Monday
Bitcoin digital currency is a great example of what happens when a technologically driven economy and finance intersects. Junior Achievement empowers young people by providing them with the knowledge, tools, experience and insight to succeed.
Bitcoin Center NYC, the city’s only brick-and-mortar institution dedicated to the further adoption of Bitcoin, announced today that Joseph Peri—President of one of NYC and Long Island’s leading K-12 economic education nonprofit organizations, Junior Achievement of New York—will serve as honored guest at the center’s Monday night event.
Mr. Peri will speak and ring the ceremonial opening bell to commence Bitcoin trading by Satoshi Square at the World’s Largest Direct Sellers-to-Buyers Trading Pit aka The Nakamoto Circle of All Satoshi Squares.
Junior Achievement of New York (JA New York) adopted Bitcoin as a donation method in January 2014. The organization cites many reasons for doing so, all of which align with the organization’s mission of promoting financial literacy, college and career preparedness and entrepreneurship of NYC and Long Island kids in an increasingly knowledge-based, global economy.
JA New York believes expanding its giving options to include Bitcoin acknowledges the changes and innovations shaping the emerging new economy. It also helps to keep the organization at the forefront of the shifting financial environment of the global economy. By accepting Bitcoin donations, JA New York also believes they are talking in the language of the 21st century new economy, and are connecting the students they serve to professional role models and emerging career opportunities in the digital economy.
Said Joseph Peri of JA New York
“Bitcoin digital currency is a great example of what happens when a technologically driven economy and finance intersects. Junior Achievement empowers young people to own their economic success by providing them with the knowledge, tools, experience and insight to succeed in a global economy. Although Bitcoin hasn’t yet achieved mainstream adoption, an increasing number of people and businesses are using Bitcoin for real-life business transactions. We think it is important for the young people we serve, and our educational and business partners, to understand and become aware of transformative business and economic innovations. As a trusted economic education resource, we are committed to bringing relevant and cutting edge economic information to our supporters.”
The Monday, March 31st event takes place on the eve of the Tuesday, April 1st kickoff of National Financial Literacy Awareness Month.
“We’re delighted to showcase Bitcoin’s endless good including the potential if offers nonprofits,” said James V. Barcia, Communications Director for Bitcoin Center NYC. “Bitcoin’s speed, security, and versatility are unmatched by any other payment system whether these qualities are rated from the sender or receiver side of the transaction.”
Details of the event are as follows. Time is Eastern.
Monday, March 31, 2014
6:00 p.m.*
World’s Largest Direct Buyers-to-Sellers Trading Pit aka
‘The Nakamoto Circle of All Satoshi Squares’
Bitcoin Center NYC
40 Broad Street
New York, NY 10004
(*Time is approximate.)
Bitcoin Center NYC on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NYCoin
Bitcoin Center NYC on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bitcoin-center-nyc
Bitcoin Center NYC on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BitcoinCenterNY
All guests of Bitcoin Center NYC are required to sign in. Media must RSVP with James V. Barcia using james(at)nycbitcoincenter(dot)com.
About Junior Achievement of New York
Junior Achievement of New York (JA New York) is the local affiliate of Junior Achievement USA® (JA), the world's largest organization dedicated to giving young people the knowledge and skills they need to own their economic success, plan for their future, and make smart academic and economic choices. Its volunteer-delivered, kindergarten-12th grade programs help kids to become college and career ready, while teaching them the importance of entrepreneurship and financial literacy skills. The organization uses experiential learning to inspire students to dream big and reach their potential. With the help of more than 5,000 volunteers, NYC and Long Island students develop the skills they need to experience the realities and opportunities of work and entrepreneurship in the 21st-century global marketplace.
Visit http://www.jany.org/ to share our story of impact and inspiration, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
About Joseph Peri
Joseph Peri, President of Junior Achievement of New York, has over 30 years’ expertise in the field of business and economic education, especially in the K-12 sector. Mr. Peri leads a team of staffers who provide business, youth and economic development programs to over 67,000 K-12 NYC and Long Island students in the NYC and Long Island area. In addition, JA New York recruits, trains, and mobilizes over 5,000 business and community volunteers annually to deliver our economic education programs in close to 300 partner schools.
Under Mr. Peri’s leadership, Junior Achievement of New York is regarded as a trusted resource for developing tomorrow’s NYC and Long Island business and community leaders. As a leader in his field, Mr. Peri is focused on bringing business and education together to create solutions to address the growing graduation and skills gap on our local and national economies.
Most recently, his testimony before the NYC Council pressed home the vital importance of business and entrepreneurship education for long-term economic stability of NYC and Long Island. In addition, he was a featured speaker at the 2nd Annual Summit on Technology Innovation and Start Ups in the Bronx. Mr. Peri was also a judge for the 2013 NerdWallet Gen Y Credit Union Contest and he has presented to numerous corporate, community and school education organizations in NYC and Long Island.
Prior to his role at Junior Achievement, he served as Acting President and Chief Executive Officer of The Council for Economic Education (CEE), a leading international economic education organization. In addition, Mr. Peri served as Assistant Vice President for Finance at The Commonwealth Fund, a large private grant-making foundation located in New York. He also formerly worked at Reliance Group Holdings and Deloitte & Touche.
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