'Father' of the Metaverse Neal Stephenson launching Metaverse blockchain
At LAMINA1, Neal Stephenson will focus on “helping get artists and other value creators paid properly for their work, helping the environment [...] and seeing a truly open Metaverse get built” noted co-founder Peter Vessenes. Neal Stephenson, the author who coined the term “Metaverse” 30 years ago is launching a Metaverse-focused blockchain project called LAMINA1. He has also revised his vision for the Metaverse stating the experience is likely to be geared more toward flat 2D screens and rather than virtual reality or augmented reality tech such as headsets and lenses, as in the model....
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“I worry about things that are not directly related to blockchain and the Metaverse. I worry about climate change and about social fragmentation.” Last month marked the 30th anniversary of the publication of Neal Stephenson’s science fiction novel Snow Crash. With its dystopian vision, rollicking prose and futuristic renderings of everything from social media networks to virtual assistants and even alternative currencies — Bitcoin wasn’t to launch for another 17 years — the work soon achieved iconic stature in the tech world. Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Jack Dorsey were admirers, while....
People can have a better knowledge of the Metaverse and Web3 by learning how to utilize Minecraft. What is the Metaverse?The Metaverse is a term coined by Neal Stephenson in his 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash to describe a future virtual reality-based online world. Some have gone as far as pronouncing Stephenson’s novel a prediction of the future.Before you agree that it’s some mystical peek into the future and invoke the rules of time travel, let’s first investigate what the Metaverse is through the lens of something much more accessible: Minecraft. But, more on this later.Unlike....
It is the integration of nonfungible tokens into the Metaverse that has initiated the transformation of our interactions in virtual worlds. Blockchain is a core technology that differentiates itself from other technologies by having solved the double expense with the emergence of the Bitcoin blockchain in 2008. Nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, were driven by blockchain technology which brought scarcity and interoperability to nonfungible tokens. But, what do blockchain technology and NFTs have to do with Metaverse? Why are large companies experimenting with NFTs in Metaverse?The MetaverseThe....
Ken Kutaragi, father of the Sony Playstation, has issued his opinion about the metaverse narrative currently developing on the market. The former executive of Sony stated that he saw no point in the metaverse idea of separating the real world from the virtual one.
Playstation Inventor Bashes Current Metaverse Conception
Ken Kutaragi, one of the inventors of the Sony Playstation, has criticized the conception of the metaverse that some companies are currently pushing. Kutaragi stated in an interview with Bloomberg his opinion about how the metaverse is being conceived, declaring....
The creator of PlayStation is unimpressed by the metaverse. Ken Kutaragi, the father of Sony’s Playstation, has shared his thoughts on the metaverse narrative that is gaining traction. The former Sony executive believes the metaverse concept of dividing the real and virtual worlds is pointless. Playstation Inventor Unimpressed With The Metaverse In an interview with […]