From cypherpunk to state contracts: the changing face of blockchain
Three blockchain executives discuss their work with governments in fraught political contexts, and the questions it raises about blockchain’s claim to the libertarian banner. Blockchain continues to occupy an unusual space in the contemporary tech sphere, with concepts such as “decentralization,” “transparency” and “immutability” continuing to slide between a purely technical meaning and a more overtly politicized one. Certain blockchain advocates — at least, those still steeped in the libertarian ethos that survives the technology's roots in the cypherpunk movement — continue to question....
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Zooko Wilcox-O’Hearn found the cypherpunks mailing list when he was 19. Since then, he has been lucky enough to work on cypherpunk-oriented technologies for most of his adult life. Currently, Zooko is the CEO of Zcash, which is a truly anonymous alternative to Bitcoin. Zooko was recently interviewed on Epicenter Bitcoin, and he shared some of his thoughts related to the recent revival of the cypherpunk movement. In his view, Bitcoin has given this technological revolution new life. Who Are the Cypherpunks? The definition of a cypherpunk tends to vary based on whom you ask, but the....
Zooko Wilcox-O’Hearn found the cypherpunks mailing list when he was 19. Since then, he has been lucky enough to work on cypherpunk-oriented technologies for most of his adult life. Currently, Zooko is the CEO of Zcash, which is a truly anonymous alternative to Bitcoin. Zooko was recently interviewed on Epicenter Bitcoin, and he shared some of his thoughts related to the recent revival of the cypherpunk movement. In his view, Bitcoin has given this technological revolution new life. Who Are the Cypherpunks? The definition of a cypherpunk tends to vary based on whom you ask, but the....
The crypto industry tends to give "cypherpunk" vibes a great deal of lip service without much attention to their real values.
Examining the various innovations that led to the Bitcoin white paper shows us that only Bitcoin continues the Cypherpunk ethos.
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