DogeDice.me: Doges Play Dice Too
DogeDice.me is the largest Dogecoin casino currently in existence. Since DogeDice’s launch in February of 2014, the site has amassed over 70,000 accounts from all edges of the world, as is only possible with cryptocurrencies such as Dogecoin. As of 8/22/14, those loyal users have gambled over 5.4 billion Dogecoin on Dogedice. Dogedice.me is run by the same people as BitDice.me, you might notice the similarity in website design. Despite recent volatility and uncertainty from within the Dogecoin community, the amount of Dogecoin bet on Dogedice.me has consistently risen.
How It Works
When playing on DogeDice, “rolling the dice” is only one of the money-making options: Users can also invest on the side of the house. For the players though, prior to “rolling the dice” users select their comfortable bet amount and their desired win chance (0-100) or multiplier (1.01x-above). The results are instantly conveyed to you. DogeDice is different than the original crypto-dice game, SatoshiDice, in that all bets occur off-chain. By keeping the numerous bets from spamming the network, DogeDice provides utility to the Dogecoin network without stress-testing it. DogeDice keeps 10% of funds in a hot wallet, so most user withdrawals occur instantly. DogeDice credits deposits without waiting for 1 confirmation, due to Dogecoin’s faster confirmation time, but they do require one confirmation on your deposit before they will authorize a withdrawal.
DogeDice prides itself on a custom-built engine that can handle 700 bets per second. Their custom software is built with RubyOnRails, Redis, Memcached, WebSockets, and RabbitMQ. Their website displays real-time statistics and over time they have built over 20 security protocols in case of abnormal behavior from an account. DogeDice’s team is constantly working on new updates, and the content of the updates shows that the website is listening to its customers. For instance, DogeDice has recently added 2FA and a HI/LOW system to increase familiarity and security for all users.
Verify Your Bet’s Fairness
In live gambling, individuals have no recourse but to trust their hosts to be 100% fair. In such situations, whether large established casinos or shady garage gatherings, it is inappropriate to question the fairness of the cards without solid evidence (bottom-shuffling, loaded die, collusion, etc). The recent decade has seen the rise of gambling websites run on fiat currencies, a system with obvious flaws, that similarly ran their games on closed-source platforms. In contrast to the established way of gaming, DogeDice has implemented newly-available technology and techniques to allow users to verify the fairness of each and every one of their bets. To verify the fairness of your bet, you require the daily secret, the user/client seed, the user/client ID, the bet number, and the bet hash. If you don’t trust the site’s own hosted verifier, players have created their own that can be found on Github.
Upcoming Features
Recently, DogeDice has added a tier system for player classes based on participation. The higher ranked the player is, the more he or she is able to win in the chat faucet and weekly giveaways. DogeDice has recently promised on a Bitcointalk thread that they would be implementing a usable API in a future update as it was a much-demanded feature. According to CCN’s conversation with DogeDice, future plans also include player profiles and statistics – of course – each player would be able to choose privacy settings in accordance with their preferences. Plans for a “rain bot” that is hooked up to the faucet and rigged to “make it rain” depending on the intensity of user participation in chat have also been revealed.
Any questions about the process can be sent to [email protected].
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