World’s First Cryptocurrency Cyber Thriller: NXT Film Project Stands And Delivers
In a world first, the NXT Film Project is raising funding for its Hollywood-grade cyber thriller film via the NXT Asset Exchange: an emerging cryptocurrency crowdfunding platform.
Loosely based on real life events, the NXT Film Project is an edgy cyber thriller that deftly narrates cyberbullying conducted using web-based communication technology. The plot showcases emerging cryptocurrencies and communities, how they are disruptive to established institutions, and how technology can be used with either good or evil intent. NXT Film Project is managed by three cryptocurrency enthusiasts who are committed to seeing the project succeed and reach it’s full potential.
The NXT Film Project aims to first, educate the lay person about cryptotechnologies by contextually demonstrating the technology’s efficacy and utility via the power of narrative storytelling. Secondly, the unprecedented project seeks to shed light on the criminal element – both petty and organized – seeking to exploit this technology during it’s current infancy.
In addition to the visionary and progressive subject matter of the story itself, the NXT Film Project embraces an innovative method of pre-production financing by utilizing the NXT Asset Exchange (SAE) for crowd-funding. Funding the NXT Film Project via a decentralized cryptocurrency asset exchange is a first in both the film industry and the SAE, for a Hollywood-grade screenplay.
Through utilizing cutting edge technology and tapping into emerging methods of crowd-funding, the NXT Film Project is a true community effort: offering project backers (i.e. asset holders) who reach certain levels of funding an opportunity to participate in the direction of the project.
Community support of the NXT Film Project has been overwhelmingly positive. The current round of pre-production ICO funding is for the screenplay of the world’s first cyber thriller to revolve around block-chain technology. With the full story outline already complete, the team is on schedule to have a marketable screenplay finalized and ready for sale within the next ten weeks.
A substantial portion of the proceeds from the NXT Film Project will go towards rewarding NXT community member Cadence Jean Morton (aka CobaltSkky) in reparation for the vicious harassment she has received while confronting cyberbulling and cyberstalking in the NXT community.
The NXT community as a whole firmly supports members who take a stand against acts of cruelty and unreasonable invasions of privacy. Cadence Jean Morton was directly involved in the events that form the real-life basis and motivation for bringing the NXT Film Project’s story to public awareness.
For more info about the NXT Film Project, please visit http://NXTmovie.org/ and the official announcement thread in the NXT forums.
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