Chamber of Digital Commerce Launches Online Membership Portal
Digital Currency Community Invited to Apply for Membership; Prominent Advisory Board Members Announced.
Today, the Chamber of Digital Commerce launched its online membership portal at http://digitalchamber.org/membership.html and invited the digital currency community to apply for membership. As the trade association for the digital asset and digital currency sectors, the chamber has developed five membership tiers for corporations and individuals. The chamber’s membership represents a cross-section of the digital asset community, including exchanges, wallets, payment processors, miners, software companies, financial institutions and investors. Membership is open to all those committed to supporting and growing this thriving ecosystem.
Founded in July 2014 by industry leaders, the chamber’s mission is to promote the acceptance and use of digital assets and related technologies.
“We are thrilled by the strong support shown for the chamber by so many influential members of the digital currency community,” said chamber President Perianne Boring.
“Individuals and corporations are invited to apply for a variety of memberships with benefits tailored for each group, including opportunities to participate in government affairs and public policy initiatives.”
Current chamber membership includes: BitGo, Bitfinex, BitFury, Bitnet, Chain, ChangeTip, MecklerMedia, Mirror, Noble Markets, Overstock, RRE Ventures, and Tally Capital, among others.
In addition, the chamber also announced today its advisory board, which includes Dr. Jim Newsome (former CFTC chairman and CEO of NYMEX), Carol Van Cleef (partner at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips), Mark Griffin (former assistant Utah attorney general), Matthew Mellon (chairman of MellonDrexel), Matthew Roszak (founding partner of Tally Capital) and George Gilder (technology thought leader).
In addition to its advocacy work, the chamber also provides educational programs on topics like anti-money laundering compliance, and holds private member briefings on policy developments that impact the digital currency community.
About the Chamber of Digital Commerce
The Chamber of Digital Commerce is a Washington, DC-based trade association dedicated to promoting the understanding, acceptance and use of digital assets and currencies. For more information on upcoming webinars and other chamber activities, please register your email for our news updates at www.DigitalChamber.org
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