Madstar Mobile Takes Another Step Forward with Bitcoin
First wireless carrier in US to accept Bitcoin, takes one more big step.
MadstarMobile.com now allows users more choice and the ability to change from USD to BTC for realtime live exchange rates for accurate bitcoin pricing on all products and services. As most pages allow you to choose your currency for payment, or which credit card, Madstar Mobile now shows you the product in what it costs in Bitcoins as you shop. “I am personally a huge fan of making purchases using my own Bitcoin wallet.” said founder and CEO David Pearsall, “It’s the most secure progressive payment option on the planet and every wireless carrier should follow suit.”
Madstar Mobile became the first wireless carrier in the country to accept Bitcoin as the preferred method of payment. This week, Madstar Mobile takes another advancement in promoting the digital crypto currency and a progressive approach to stay ahead in the ever changing economic environment.
About Madstar Mobile
Madstar Mobile is America’s newest wireless carrier that allows subscribers to activate new or experienced compatible devices when switching through their Bring Your Own Mobile Device (BYOMD) program. Madstar Mobile offers unlimited talk, text and data starting at just $33/month while providing postpaid plans without credit requirements, no deposits and without mulit-year contracts or early termination fees, Madstar Mobile is leading the world of wireless carriers into the next generation. Madstar Mobile eliminates the prepaid punishment and the postpaid problems providing subscribers the best of both worlds on a 3G & 4G LTE national network with Mach G Speeds that are truly unlimited.
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