Roger Ver tells bitcoiners, 'Spread the word' #Bitcoin2013
Whenever he needs to pay for something, be it a stick of gum or a hotel room, investor and entrepreneur Roger Ver asks the same question: "Do you accept bitcoin?" In the brick and mortar world, the answer is usually no. But he says that merchants are open to the idea. "After they hear from me a couple of times, a lot of times they start accepting bitcoin," Ver said. Speaking at the Bitcoin 2013 conference in San Jose today, Ver exhorted an audience of mostly young men to do the same, and to evangelize for the digital currency to help it achieve mainstream use. "The vast majority of people....
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More details are available on last night's hacking and identity theft attempt on Roger Ver, with the bitcoin icon and his security team revealing how they tracked the hacker and forced him into a humiliating backdown. The story became more compelling when Ver posted a 37.6 BTC reward on his Facebook account to anyone who supplied information leading to the hacker's capture. He stressed that everything was now back under control and that no amount of bitcoin was stolen. CoinDesk verified we were speaking to the real Roger Ver. What was later described as a series of hack attempts by an....