Butterfly Labs ship first Bitforce SC 60 bitcoin miner
While we have been reporting on late shipments of Bitcoin miners from Butterfly Labs, hope is on the horizon as the first of the new Single Bitforce SC (Super Computer) 60 GH/s units has been shipped from the Butterfly Labs HQ in Kansas. We caught this information from Butterfly Labs forum user, "Lab_Rat". This user went on a visit to the factory where the units are being burned, boxed and dispatched. According to the unboxing and factory tour posts the device will likely consume 270W while running at the top 60 GH/s (gigahashes per second). Lab_Rat reports that the ASIC chips used in the....
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The first 500 gigahash per second ASIC mining rig from Butterfly Labs has been put into operation, as reported on the Bitcoin Forum. We recently reported on the first shipment of the Bitforce SC 60 desktop miner, and at the other end of the hashing spectrum is Butterfly Lab's BitForce 500 GH/s unit. Until yesterday, none had been seen in the wild. Bitcoin forum member gigavps posted a photo of a mining room filled with rigs. Most of which are reportedly field-programmable gate array (FPGA) devices. However, the large unit centred in the photograph with two grey power plugs is the Butterfly....
Disclaimer: Bitcoin Magazine has previously run advertisements for Butterfly Labs. This article was written independently of this fact. -Ed. In an upcoming article in our next issue of Bitcoin Magazine, Butterfly Labs, arguably the market leader of manufacturing and selling Bitcoin mining equipment, has released a sneak preview of their current state of development for their ASIC-based Bitforce SC line of computers, scheduled to be released in late November or December. As a sneak peek, we have two images for you. The company has responded to recent criticism with some images. The photo....
Article updated on 27th August at 14:37 BST. Butterfly Labs has announced a new PCI bitcoin mining card, named Monarch, based on the new 28nm technology. Butterfly Labs claims the Monarch will achieve 600 GH/s and consume 350W. The release has courted controversy with customers who are still awaiting delivery of their longstanding 65nm-based products. The Monarch has been optimised to work when connected to a PCIe slot, however, it also has a USB port, which allows it to be used with Windows and Linux computers and even Android devices. Butterfly Labs boasts that the card will achieve 600....
Finally, after more than a year of waiting, those who preordered the 5GH/s Jalapeno ASIC Bitcoin miner from Butterfly Labs should start receiving their orders. Butterfly Labs announced today that nearly every Jalapeno order through July 3rd 2012 has been shipped out. They have promised that every backlogged order will be shipped within the next 90 days and this morning they posted a picture up of over 100 units that were on their way out the door. Butterfly Labs has been the source of much excitement and almost equal scorn since they started taking orders for their much anticipated ASIC....
Butterfly Labs, a failed Bitcoin miner manufacturer, has been shut down by the Federal Trade Commission. According to a statement published on the regulator's website, the FTC shut down Butterfly Labs pursuant to a court order obtained from a court in the Western District of Missouri. Also read "We need to talk about Butterfly Labs". This past week, the FTC slapped Butterfly Labs, a Kansas bitcoin miner manufacturer, with a lawsuit. In the civil lawsuit, the FTC found that Butterfly Labs had contravened section 5(a) of the FTC Act by engaging in "unfair or deceptive business practices in....