First of Butterfly Lab's BitForce 500 GH/s mining rigs seen in operation
The first 500 gigahash per second ASIC mining rig from Butterfly Labs has been put into operation, as reported on the Bitcoin Forum. We recently reported on the first shipment of the Bitforce SC 60 desktop miner, and at the other end of the hashing spectrum is Butterfly Lab's BitForce 500 GH/s unit. Until yesterday, none had been seen in the wild. Bitcoin forum member gigavps posted a photo of a mining room filled with rigs. Most of which are reportedly field-programmable gate array (FPGA) devices. However, the large unit centred in the photograph with two grey power plugs is the Butterfly....
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Disclaimer: Bitcoin Magazine has previously run advertisements for Butterfly Labs. This article was written independently of this fact. -Ed. In an upcoming article in our next issue of Bitcoin Magazine, Butterfly Labs, arguably the market leader of manufacturing and selling Bitcoin mining equipment, has released a sneak preview of their current state of development for their ASIC-based Bitforce SC line of computers, scheduled to be released in late November or December. As a sneak peek, we have two images for you. The company has responded to recent criticism with some images. The photo....
While we have been reporting on late shipments of Bitcoin miners from Butterfly Labs, hope is on the horizon as the first of the new Single Bitforce SC (Super Computer) 60 GH/s units has been shipped from the Butterfly Labs HQ in Kansas. We caught this information from Butterfly Labs forum user, "Lab_Rat". This user went on a visit to the factory where the units are being burned, boxed and dispatched. According to the unboxing and factory tour posts the device will likely consume 270W while running at the top 60 GH/s (gigahashes per second). Lab_Rat reports that the ASIC chips used in the....
Butterfly Labs had just unveiled their latest addition to their line of specialized Bitcoin mining computers: the Bitforce SC Single. Butterfly Labs already provides some of the most powerful and economical Bitcoin mining hardware available - its currently most popular SHA256 Single product provides a mining hashpower of 832 megahashes per second ($3 per day under current network and market conditions) for a mere $599, or $719 per GHps, a higher ratio than any other FPGA on the Bitcoin wiki's mining hardware comparison list. Its electrical efficiency is not unmatched, but nevertheless....
New court documents filed by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) against Butterfly Labs allege that the manufacturer mined bitcoins using customer-purchased equipment prior to shipment. The documents, filed on 27th September, further allege that Butterfly Labs employees mined bitcoin for personal gain using machines purchased and later returned to the company. The agency says this assertion is supported by the testimony of several former employees. As a result of the findings, the FTC asked a Kansas City federal judge to impose a preliminary injunction on Butterfly Labs that would extend....
After nearly six months of delays, Butterfly Labs has finally released a copy of what appears to be the final version of one of their long-awaited ASIC mining products. Similarly to how Avalon first shipped a sample copy of their mining rig to Bitcoin developer Jeff Garzik, Butterfly Labs shipped their first unit to David Perry of Coding in My Sleep. David received the unit Saturday evening, and uploaded a video of himself unboxing and testing it the same day. The unit in question is a Bitforce SC Jalapeno, the smallest of the four models that the company is selling, and it appears to be....