Blockchain.info's 500,000th Wallet Creator Responds to Winning 10 Bitcoins
Yesterday I posted a news blurb surrounding the imminent creation of Blockchain.info's 500,000th online wallet. Whoever was to create this wallet would be the lucky recipient of 10 bitcoins, or over $2,000 USD. As it were, it looks like someone has indeed won the prize, and they're coming out with a statement, posted on Reddit. Here it is: This is so immeasurably awesome! Thank you so much! The funny thing is, I had no idea you were running a contest! I used to dabble in Bitcoins a couple of years ago (bought 5 BTC back when they were like £5 each, gutted that I sold them for £6 a few....
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To celebrate the creation of 500,000 online wallets, Blockchain.info will be giving away a pretty penny to some random, unsuspecting individual. That reward is 10 BTC, worth just over 2,000USD at the time of this writing. Blockchain.info has confirmed the giveaway on both Facebook and Twitter, so we know this is for real. For that one person who ends up winning, that 10 BTC could be worth a whole lot more in a few years! Original announcement: Blockchain.info is about to reach 500,000 total wallets created, and we are extremely grateful to the bitcoin community for it's continual support....
Super-popular bitcoin block explorer and online wallet service Blockchain.info today announced the creation of their one millionth wallet - an absolutely huge milestone in the website's history. The news comes just days following a newsBTC report indicating the milestone was near, so if that isn't proof the website is growing rapidly, we don't know what is. Back in late-October, Blockchain.info announced that the 500,000th wallet had been created - and for the lucky person who did, well, they won a whopping 10 BTC. According to CoinDesk, it would appear another prize is in order for the....
Blockchain.info has given 10 BTC to the person who opened the 500,000th bitcoin wallet on the site. As well as providing a bitcoin wallet service, Blockchain.info is a block chain browser and features data and charts providing insight into the bitcoin network. A representative from the site posted on reddit yesterday that it was about to reach 500,000 total wallets created and, in recognition of the support its users have given, was giving away 10 BTC to the lucky user who created wallet number 500,000. Part of the message read: "It's our mission to continue to build the most secure and....
Hundreds of bitcoins were stolen from Blockchain.info users. The company admitted that a technical issue during a software update of the popular Bitcoin wallet created a temporary security hole, and is now reimbursing the users who lost their bitcoins. Also read: Blockchain Reimbursing Stolen Bitcoins to Users. The security hole was only open for a couple of hours, but that small window was apparently enough for hackers to take bitcoins from many Blockchain.info users. On Reddit, a user complained of losing 100 bitcoins after creating a new wallet via Blockchain.info and depositing money....
The security of the popular Bitcoin wallet Blockchain.info has been often addressed in the news recently. Hundreds of bitcoins have been lost during this Blockchain.info update. For example, there have been several reports of users losing their funds after using Blockchain.info through the Tor network. In response, the company temporarily blocked all Tor exit nodes, and then started using HSTS as well as providing a dedicated Tor onion address to its Tor population. Blockchain.info was the second company in the world, after Facebook, to receive an SSL certificate for their .onion address.....