Scrypt Mining - Are Scrypt ASICs The Future?
With the scrypt mining world dominated by GPUs (Graphic Processing Units), a surprising but long-awaited addition is coming - ASICs. ASICs, application-specific integrated circuits, are much more efficient in mining currencies, being much smaller, running at lower temperatures, and requiring less electricity for much higher hash rates. But how viable are would scrypt ASICs be, and just which companies would you trust with your money in pre-orders? Many people might recall the way Butterfly Labs handled shipments, causing mighty long delays, affecting a miner's profit as the difficulty only....
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MAT Bitcoin ASIC 6TH/s. Netherlands based company Mining Asics Technologies B. V. (MAT) today announced it would start taking pre-orders for a new range of Scrypt ASIC miners. MAT is one of the first companies to introduce a wave of powerful new Bitcoin Asic miners and Scrypt ASIC miners for Dogecoin, Auroracoin, Feathercoin, Litecoin and other scrypt cryptocurrencies. Pre-orders are open from 12 March 2014. Standalone Scrypt ASICs. All of MAT's ASICs are standalone embedded application devices featuring a Linux operating system running CGminer. The devices can be configured via webGUI....
The new DualMiner USB miner is one of the first entries of ASIC's into the Scrypt mining domain using the Gridseed, and we here at CCN first reported about these ASICs all the way back in January. Love them or hate them Scrypt ASICs are here. In the case of the DualMiner it an easy to afford and use USB ASIC that also brings a vastly lower watt per kh/s ratio to GPU miner setups. The deal with the DualMiner is it can mine both BitCoin SHA-256 and Scrypt coins (such as LiteCoins) at the same time if desired. With an easy dip switch setting, it will mine Scrypt at nearly double the dual rate....
We all know that Scrypt ASICS are now available for purchase, and miners have been hashing away at Scrypt coins, leaving GPU miners to scramble to under algorithms, most popular being Scrypt-n and x-11. Scrypt ASICS may have also had a negative effect on prices, for Darkcoin and Vertcoin. Darkcoin is the most popular X11 coin, and Vertcoin is the most popular Scrypt-n coin, so it’s logical to assume that is where most GPU miners flocked to. For example, take a look at what happened to Darkcoin. At a current market weighted average of 0.0098 BTC, this is the lowest it has been in 2 months,....
Innosilicon A2 Terminator Scrypt ASIC. On 4/20/14, Innosilicon announced sales of their A2 Terminator Scrypt ASIC on Bitcointalk and their website. Innosilicon is not a newcomer to the ASIC mining realm, by any means. They have previously completed the design and fabrication, through Global Foundries, of an A1 CoinCraft SHA-256 ASIC chip that was used in many cheap, ready-to-ship miners out of China in recent months. From their A1 chips revenue, Innosilicon was able to manufacture these A2 Terminator Scrypt ASIC chips without crowdfunding through preorders, as many competitors have.....