EXCLUSIVE: Tibanne Co. Ltd. Sentenced In 2013. Mark Karpeles's Lies Are Not New.
The story begins in 2010 when a young man, we will name Mr. Dubois, decides to take on a business project. After placing an ad on the site Progonline.com, underlining his desire to do business with a web developer, he is contacted by a freelancer based in Morocco. It is now June 2010 and a contract has been signed between the two parties. A few months later, the development work is deemed finished. Upon delivery, Mr. Dubois can only notice that the work does not match what he had initially requested. Furthermore, there are numerous errors. As a result of one’s legitimate desire not to pay....
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The Bitcoin community was in uproar recently after news emerged that Mark Karpeles, the ex - CEO of the now defunct MT Gox, once the largest Bitcoin exchange which allegedly "lost" 850,000 bitcoins to then find 200,000 bitcoins, had started a new hosting company, Forever.net. In an exclusive interview with CCN, I started by asking Mark Karpeles how he was able to fund the new hosting company. "There's no funding" - he stated, clarifying that Tibanne already owns the domain, hosting servers and the VPS. "We only used what we had on our hands" - he continued, explaining that the new company....
As the continuing fallout from the MtGox disaster happens the negative publicity and the infamy of Mark Karpeles grows. Mark with his Companies shed a large shadow on other companies and business's that may have ties to them. It also makes one think twice when looking into new services and companies that deal with the storage and use of Bitcoin. One company that the shadow fell for me is Neo-Bee. On their main page, they are presenting their service for the Neo-Bee card. This is a card that would allow you to buy products easily with Bitcoin. Neo-Card Home. While this is a great idea that....
Mark Karpeles, the disgraced CEO of defunct bitcoin exchange Mt Gox, has launched a new web hosting service. The service has been dubbed Forever.net and is registered under both Karpeles' name and that of Tibanne, the parent company of Mt Gox. The company profile says: "TIBANNE Co. Ltd. is a Tokyo, Japan-based corporation founded in 2009 by talented technopreneurs. TIBANNE specializes in web hosting, IP transit, VoIP, software development and network administration. We are currently engaged in the reserch and development of new and existing services to produce innovative solutions for our....
Let's go ahead an file this in the "make what you will of it" cabinet. If you've been following the Mt. Gox debacle, you're probably already aware of a website called GOXDOX.org, whose main goal is to "[call] bullshit on behalf of [Mt. Gox] creditors." The site has thus far been a reliable hub for news related to the ongoing bankruptcy case of the failed bitcoin exchange, and a post published on Tuesday claims that Mt. Gox's bankruptcy trustee has paid out large sums of money to Tibanne K. K., Mt. Gox's parent company run by Mark Karpeles. GOXDOX writes: Straight from the Trustee's bank....
A class action against Mt. Gox is being organised by a London law firm that says it will go after CEO Mark Karpeles personally to recover its clients' lost bitcoins. Selachii LLP says it is representing over 200 claimants from China, the US, Canada and 12 European countries, and that it will launch proceedings against Karpeles "wherever in the world he is". They also are in discussions with lawyers in Japan to mount a case against Mt. Gox, which has filed for bankruptcy in Japan after admitting it had lost around 750,000 its customers' bitcoins. One of the claimants in the lawsuit has lost....