New Frostwire BitTorrent Client With Bitcoin Integration Released
In late February, FrostWire - a popular BitTorrent client - made news in the bitcoin community for including bitcoin-related features into an experimental build of the client. Today - the company announced they've released the latest version of the software (5.7.1) with all of the bitcoin goodness include, which should make bitcoin enthusiasts who run the software very happy. The concept is simple: torrent uploaders are able to include a bitcoin address for donations, allowing the public to tip them if they enjoy the upload. As an example, the feature could be useful for artists looking to....
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BitTorrent client developers at FrostWire are looking to add a touch of pizazz to their software that could start a movement amongst other BitTorrent client developers. See, FrostWire is looking to integrate bitcoin into their software, essentially allowing users to send and receive bitcoin donations by displaying a bitcoin icon by the transfer which then opens up a bitcoin client or bitcoin wallet service online. "The idea is to let users enter an optional Bitcoin address and suggested donation amount along with the torrent they're about to create on FrostWire," said Angel Leon, who is....
A BitTorrent client developer has integrated a donation mechanism into an experimental build that will allow users to donate bitcoin to sharer of a torrent, according to a report published by Torrent Freak. It's not only limited to bitcoin, either. Litecoin, dogecoin, and PayPal are other options, too. The developer, FrostWire, hopes the move will allow content creators like musical artists and small-time developers to monetize their content by allowing downloaders to tip them right from the client. The integration could also help developers of more popular free software (see Ubuntu and....
Popular BitTorrent client Frostwire has integrated an experimental mechanism that will allow users to donate bitcoins to torrent sharers. In addition to bitcoin, the same mechanism can be used for litecoin, dogecoin and even PayPal. FrostWire believes the idea will allow small content creators to easily monetize their content simply by getting tips from those who download it using the P2P client. Needless to say, Big Content is probably not thrilled by the prospect of decentralised content markets, let alone the fact that the technology could even be used to monetize piracy. However, that....
Remember FrostWire (BitTorrent client)? They've completely transformed their platform and are integrating Bitcoin into their system. While at a Bitcoin conference I met Angel Leon, a project lead for FrostWire. Bitcoin, he mentioned to me, has caused a resurgence of excitement in the open-source movement. Angel is also working hard on the OpenBazaar Project. I asked him some questions about everything from Bitcoin, to FrostWire, and OpenBazaar. Kevin Cruz: How did you come to begin working on open-source projects and why do you enjoy it? Ever since I was into school I couldn't understand....
Remember FrostWire (BitTorrent client)? They've completely transformed their platform and are integrating Bitcoin into their system. While at a Bitcoin conference I met Angel Leon, a project lead for FrostWire. Bitcoin, he mentioned to me, has caused a resurgence of excitement in the open-source movement. Angel is also working hard on the OpenBazaar Project. I asked him some questions about everything from Bitcoin, to FrostWire, and OpenBazaar. Kevin Cruz: How did you come to begin working on open-source projects and why do you enjoy it? Ever since I was into school I couldn't understand....