Blockchain Makes Five-Year Deal to Exclusively Manage Bitcoin.com Domain Name
Domain names can be prime property if they meet certain criteria. They can sell for millions of dollars if they're just right. And since bitcoin has become an international phenomenon, you can bet that "bitcoin.com" would be in high demand. Indeed it was, and on Thursday, Blockchain.info announced they've struck a five-year deal to exclusively manage the bitcoin.com domain name. Blockchain.info is positioning itself to maintain and build its preeminence in the Bitcoin community by building strategic relationships that promote the understanding and usage of cryptocurrency. The Bitcoin.com....
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Blockchain.info has reached a five-year deal to manage the premium domain name 'www.bitcoin.com'. Previously the domain was used by Coinbase as a customer acquisition channel. The company says it is positioning itself to maintain and build its profile in the bitcoin community: "Our mission is to provide tools and services that build on bitcoin's core strengths. To that end, Blockchain plans to utilize the bitcoin.com domain to help drive consumer adoption and education." The significance of the domain should not be underestimated, as it is the flagship domain for the cryptocurrency.....
In mid-April, Blockchain.info made a five year deal to exclusively manage the revered bitcoin.com domain name. Shortly thereafter, the website featured three links: one to the Blockchain.info block explorer, another to ZeroBlock (which Blockchain acquired), and another for the Blockchain web wallet. Many in the community had thought the company had blown the opportunity to use the domain for good, using it instead to promote their own products. Now, it seems the direction of the website has changed, serving as a portal of sorts to newcomers looking to explore bitcoin for the first time.....
On 4/15/14. Blockchain.info's Nic Cary took to Twitter to tease the Bitcoin populace with an upcoming announcement... Many were reminded of the last time Cary promised an announcement; the announcement fell short of many's expectations. This time around expectations were met and exceeded, Cary truly has presented a crowdpleaser.https://twitter.com/niccary/status/456129500707688449 Blockchain.info announced today that: Blockchain.info has struck a five year deal to exclusively manage the domain name Bitcoin.com. Blockchain.info is positioning itself to maintain and build its preeminence in....
April's news that Blockchain.info would be managing the 'Bitcoin.com' domain name for a period of five years made a splash in the community. It's prime internet real estate, not to mention easy to remember. A premium domain broker is now attempting to sell the revered BTC.com domain name. If the fact that a three-letter domain name wasn't enough, it also represents the most common abbreviation of bitcoin. So if you're not getting the point here, it's a rare domain, and it's likely anything but cheap. "Whether you're a Bitcoin startup or existing company wishing to solidify your authority....
We know that Bitcoin.com is involved in a five-year deal with Blockchain.info, but what about the highly sought-after bitcoins.com domain name? There's now a chance to pick up the domain, with news today that the domain will hit the auction block later this month as part of Heritage Auctions' Domain Names & Intellectual Property Auction, which will see the sale of a slew high-value of web addresses. The domain was owned by Mark Karpeles, CEO of the Mt. Gox bitcoin exchange, which took a devastating tumble into bankruptcy protection following the loss of investor monies earlier this year.....