DarkMarket Team Win Toronto Bitcoin Expo Hackathon
A team of developers has won the Bitcoin Expo hackathon in Toronto with DarkMarket, an innovative peer-to-peer market open to everyone, everywhere. Part of the team came from Airbitz, best known for the upcoming Airbitz wallet, a cloud-based solution with client-side encryption that aims to maximise security. The wallet project has web, Android and even iOS versions. The Airbitz team was backed by Amir Taaki and Pablo Martin from the Dark Wallet and libbitcoin projects. A P2P market for everyone. Dark Wallet developer Amir Taaki delivered the hackathon presentation, though he forgot to....
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Almost two years ago, a group of Bitcoin developers, including Amir Taaki, developed an early prototype of a decentralized marketplace during the Toronto Bitcoin Expo Hackathon. The team behind the project, which also included developers from Airbitz, won the hackathon for their work on DarkMarket, but they had no intention of working on the concept once the expo was over. Shortly after the creation of DarkMarket, a group of new developers, including Brian Hoffman and Sam Patterson, forked the project and rebranded it as OpenBazaar. Today, the first full version of OpenBazaar has been....
The decentralised 'successor to Silk Road', DarkMarket, has been copied and given a new, more palatable name, OpenBazaar. A proof of concept developed at the recent Toronto Bitcoin Expo hackathon, DarkMarket uses the bitcoin protocol to create a marketplace that is impossible for any government to shut down. Now the open-source code for DarkMarket has been forked - a coding term that means 'to create a separate branch' - by developer Brian Hoffman, who says he wants to build an alternative market "without the 'Dark' stigma". "I felt the [DarkMarket] project had merit, but we need to....
Naomi Brockwell. One of our CCN correspondants, Naomi Brockwell (The Bitcoin Girl), was at the Toronto Bitcoin Expo and was able to meet with the team behind Crypto Swartz, an homage to the late Aaron Swartz, the founder of Reddit and a very vocal, influential and persecuted voice for freedom and transparency who took his own life in 2013. At the conference's Hackathon, this team made it into the top 3 and for more really great information, watch the video below!
The developers of OpenBazaar, the open-source decentralized marketplace protocol, have received $1m in seed funding. The project received backing from venture firms Andreessen Horowitz and Union Square Ventures, and angel investor and board member William Mougayar. OpenBazaar aims to enable broader peer-to-peer e-commerce, free from the privacy and economic concerns attributed to more centralized models, using bitcoin as a medium of exchange. The announcement comes more than a year after DarkMarket, the proof-of-concept decentralized market on which OpenBazaar is based, won the hackathon....
Love everything Bitcoin-related? Perhaps the Bitcoin Expo taking place next year will be your cup of tea. Aptly named "Bitcoin Expo 2014", the meet-up will be taking place between the dates of April 11-13th in Toronto, Canada. Organized by the non-profit Bitcoin Alliance of Canada, the expo will be taking place at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, and will feature over 700 experts and general participants from around the world. From entrepreneurs to lawyers, the event hopes to have something for everyone. Registration for the expo begins in January, and those who are interested are....