Is Double Spending Unconfirmed Transactions a Concern for Bitcoin?
One of the key reasons that bitcoin has become a popular form of value, to the tune of $6bn, is that it has largely solved the double-spending problem that plagued other digital currencies before it. Interestingly, this double-spending problem isn't limited to the digital realm. The BBC reported that there were 566,000 counterfeit notes circulating in the UK in 2009. Additionally, in 2010 the UK Treasury estimated that one in 36 £1 coins in circulation were counterfeit. The bitcoin network seeks to prevent this problem by signing cryptographic keys that are confirmed on the block chain -....
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One of the reasons Bitcoin has experienced a degree of success over other digital currencies is its ability to overcome what is known as the double-spend problem. Double spending, for many years, had been a vexing issue for any sort of e-currency: how to avoid someone from having the ability to send money to one party while simultaneously sending it to another. Double spending is not a problem that exists in physical fiat-based currencies. This is due to the fact that one can duplicate files that make up a digital system much more easily than the time and effort it takes to counterfeit....
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