ZipZap Teams Up With IDology to Streamline Customer Identity Process in the UK
In late 2013, global cash network ZipZap announced they'd be adding thousands of locations across the United Kingdom from which customers could buy bitcoin. In total, there are about 28,000 locations in the country where customers can make this happen, but before they do so they must undergo a KYC (know your customer) and AML (anti-money laundering) check to make sure they're not known criminals or using bitcoin to launder funds. The merchants at this locations are responsible for collecting the customers' National Insurance Numbers or Social Security Numbers to be verified, according to....
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Firstly, what’s ZipZap? ZipZap is a payment network through which people can buy bitcoins with cash and some other payment methods. Personally, any way to spread bitcoin to more people is great in every way, and more so when you give them easier ways to access bitcoin. From the website, it says that the team behind ZipZap expects digital currency to reduce poverty, create jobs, improve healthcare, and a couple more. I was able to arrange an interview with Alan Safahi, CEO at ZipZap, in which he answered a few short questions:
ZipZap first started out as a network for consumers to make payments with convenience. Now ZipZap has announced that they have raised a $1,000,000, with the main focus of strengthening their network for digital currencies. If you would like to know more about this, Marco did a quick write up of the topic, read it here. ZipZap was born from an idea to provide a cash payment option for consumers that wished to make internet purchases and did not have a bank relationship. This idea, in time, morphed into a global service and expanded to other forms of payment. ZipZap is a global payment....
Bitcoiners can now pay cash for bitcoins at 28,000 shops across the UK, thanks to a new service set up by ZipZap. The service enables people to head to their nearest ZipZap payment location, hand over cash and see bitcoins deposited in their wallets almost instantly. Currently available via Bittylicious, BuyBitcoin.sg and BIPS Market, the service will go live with ANXBTC and ANXPRO next week, followed by Kraken, CoinMKT and BTCX.se. Customers simply have to log into their accounts with one of these companies and select the cash payment option, they then choose the amount of bitcoins they....
Global transaction network ZipZap is going big. The company, which allows customers to buy bitcoin through scores of retail locations in places like the United Kingdom, has announced a major expansion. The company said on Wednesday that their service is now available in a whopping 34 countries throughout Europe, allowing consumers to use their local fiat to purchase bitcoin and a slew of other digital currencies. As a step to getting here, ZipZap said they have formed strategic partnerships across the European Union, which will surely benefit enthusiasts of digital currency. "ZipZap has a....
Some better news for residents in the United Kingdom who might be looking to buy bitcoin. ZipZap announced on Tuesday that they're bringing their global cash transaction network back to 20,000 retail locations in the UK. The announcement come following a news item at the end of March in which we learned that the company would be halting the processing of digital currency transactions. The halt directly related to ZipZap's payment processor, PayPoint, and its desire to put the processing on hold until the legalities surrounding there digital currency transactions became clearer. Now, ZipZap....