Will Bitcoin Meet Napster's Fate?
Seemingly out of nowhere, a technology appears that changes the way people think about an established industry. Vested interests see it as a threat and become determined to ensure it does not undercut existing profit structures. Sounds like the synopsis of the story about bitcoin up to this point? Well, yes, but digital currency isn't the first technology to meet the resistance of incumbent parties. The music industry, for example, faced a signifcant threat from peer-to-peer technology in the late 1990s. In fact, 15 years ago, controversial file-sharing service Napster was one of the....
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Entrepreneur and YouTube celebrity Gary Vaynerchuk recently tweeted about NFTs, saying they will be more disruptive to the music industry than Napster was. Adding “technology always squeezes the middle,” and that he’s excited for what lies ahead. And they thought Napster was disruptive … wait to blockchain / NFT hit the music industry Shits about […]
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Bitcoin startup Bitshares is on a quest to make peer-to-peer music sharing profitable. The company intends to do so through the application of the blockchain technology to music file sharing. Peer-to-peer music file sharing is not a new concept. The original iteration of P2P music sharing, Napster changed music forever through its use. BitShares Music extends the ideas pioneered by bitcoin and Napster into issuing trust-free digital assets. These digital assets have the potential of fluctuating in value through sales of the artist's music. They can also be used to fund the artist and....