Will Bitcoin Collapse in 2015? - Financial Times
The Financial Times is running a story titled "FT Predictions: the world in 2015" where Financial Times writers offer their forecasts for the year ahead, from the oil price to Putin's next moves. Bitcoin makes the Financial Times list of important topics to watch with a headline "Will this be the year that bitcoin and other crypto currencies collapse?" The answer is: No. There are too many deep-pocketed interests standing ready to throw good money after bad defending the cryptocurrency experiment, thus preventing an outright or dramatic collapse. Nevertheless, the chances of bitcoin, the....
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Collapse. It seems to be a word that is becoming more and more relevant in our everyday lives. The economic collapse of Greece. The collapse of the Petrodollar. The collapse of our civil liberties and constitutional rights. And the upcoming collapse of the U. S. Dollar. There's a lot on our plate right now, but why not lay all the cards on the table? What would happen if Bitcoin collapsed? This possibility is much closer than you think, and efforts to avert it are underway, but what if nothing was done? Let's pretend everyone just acted like everything's peach fuss with Bitcoin and its....
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Whenever I need a laugh, I read a mainstream publication's assessment of Bitcoin, from the outside looking in. Many are merely mouthpieces, printed microphones for the current ruling global elite. They tell the masses what to believe, give them ten percent of the story, from the current ruler's purview, and then call it a day. Television, print media, cable, it's all the same. And that's why ad revenue, viewership, and circulations are dropping in mainstream media worldwide. The smart investment for your media time is online, alternative media, like CCN, for example. Things here will....