Bitcoin Price - an Intraday Look at the Day's Action
A little earlier on today, shortly before the opening of the European session, we published our latest bitcoin price technical analysis piece highlighting action overnight and suggesting the levels around which would watch price action in order to infer a bias throughout the day. Now price has matured, what has action told us about the likely future direction of the bitcoin price as we head into the US afternoon session, and what can we infer from action around particular levels? Take a quick look at the chart. As you see, having reached highs of 216.95 earlier this morning, the bitcoin....
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A little earlier on this morning we published a piece highlighting the action in the bitcoin price on Tuesday evening and throughout Tuesday night, and offered up some suggestions as to the levels we will be keeping an eye on during Wednesday's session in order to help us form an intraday bias throughout European business hours. Action has now matured throughout the day, and it looks as though - for now at least - BTCUSD has found a temporary floor. With this said, what are the levels we are watching as we head into the US afternoon session and beyond? Take a quick look at the chart. While....
Here's what we are focusing on this week for our intraday strategy in the bitcoin price. It’s Monday morning, and we have got a fresh week of trading ahead of us in the bitcoin price. Last week gave us plenty to discuss, with volatility carrying price through to fresh highs on a number of occasions, but action over the weekend has settled down a little bit. From reaching highs of nearly 780 on Saturday night, price corrected to an intraday close at around 730, and has since traded sideways to current levels. So, with this said, and as we head into today’s European session, where are we....
Here's what we are looking t trade in the bitcoin price this evening out of the US and Asia The European session is about to close for the day, and the US afternoon is set to take over the lion’s share of the bitcoin price market volume. As ever, the second of our two daily bitcoin price analyses will cover our approach going forward into the US afternoon and beyond into Asia, with a specific focus on how action played out today (in relation to our predefined intraday strategy) and how we can interpret this action as part of this evening’s plan. So, with this said, and as we head into the....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. We said this morning that the bitcoin price had been pretty frustrating from an intraday perspective over the last few weeks, and that we hoped this would change as we headed into the close of this one. The frustration is rooted in the sideways action, and the relatively tight range, giving us nothing sustainable by way of breakouts to go after. Well, as today’s action has matured, we’ve seen pretty much an identical continuation of this trend. Sideways action caught between a tight range, with no volatility to....
Here's what we are looking at trading in the markets today, specifically, a bitcoin price scalp strategy. Over the last couple of days, action in the bitcoin price has been relatively flat. We have seen the odd bit of choppy momentum here and there, but nothing sustainable, and this has made it difficult for us to get in and out the markets and draw profits according to our standard intraday breakout strategy. With this in mind, and as we head into the fresh days trading in Europe on Wednesday, we’re going to shuffle things around a bit. Specifically, we’re going to tighten in our intraday....