Russell Brand Joins the Crypto Revolution
Cryptocurrency enthusiasts have been wary of Max Keiser promoting anything since the MaxCoin bubble popped, but he and actor-turned-activist Russell Brand have been pushing Brand's StartCoin hard lately. "10 Times Quicker Than Bitcoin!" StartCOIN makes bold claims. It appears to have been forked from Litecoin, and its last major commit took place nine months ago. Litecoin has seen some changes in the meantime, having released version three months ago. Here is how the StartCOIN website describes its technological merit: StartCOIN has 60 second block times, allowing transactions to....
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Renowned political activist Russell Brand has recently expressed his support for bitcoin as an alternative currency that might be an important part to global revolution. He has been expressing his views against capitalism, citing that political revolution and a fair distribution of wealth are unfeasible in this system. "I think what is important is to organize and to disobey. To be really, really disobedient. Revolution is required. It is not a revolution of radical ideas, but simply the implementation of the ideas that they say we already have," Brand explained. Bitcoin and Digital....
Actor, comedian and activist Russell Brand has come out in support of Ross Ulbricht after he was sentenced to life in prison for starting the Silk Road. In a Facebook status featuring the video, Brand writes, "In a way Ross Ulbricht is the American Dream." Brand launched his political-comedy web series, The Trews, in 2014, released a book, Revolution, and began working on a documentary about financial inequality shortly thereafter. He came out in favor of crypto currencies in recent years. "He saw a new market and he went for it," Brand says of Ulbricht. "Is that any different than the....
The Singapore-based company, Crypto.com, has hired the former TechChurch and The Ken reporter, Jon Russell as their Asian-based general partner. And with this new development, they hope to expand Fund further. Crypto.com’s $200 million Web 3 fund came into existence in March 2012. As of Monday, intending to expand via the venture arm of investing in Series A stages, project at seed and crypto startups, has grown expectedly. Russell, during an interview, made known that the fund is believed to rise to double its current size and will be announced in a few days. Crypto.com is still....
Blockstream Bitcoin developer Rusty Russell recently published a proposal for a Segregated Witness-compatible c-lightning system for Bitcoin addresses. Detailing the proposal on his personal blog, Russell laid out plans to to add a prefix at the beginning of each address, as well as eliminate capital letters to improve convenience. Surprised at the lack....
Adam Hanft is a brand strategist and founder of Hanft Projects, a consultancy firm that has worked with, among others, McKinsey, Microsoft, Conduit, Fidelity and Match.com. Here he shares his opinions on why bitcoin, the brand, is in dire need of some work. The fiercely emotional debate about bitcoin - which is simultaneously an argument about the currency itself as well as a set of fixed views about governments, markets and economic structures - highlights a stunning gap in the bitcoin ecosystem. On one hand, bitcoin is a brand - it's the name of a currency and payment platform, like the....