How Can a Potential Grexit Affect Bitcoin Prices?
There has been a lot of talk about a Grexit, which is short for a Greek exit from the euro zone, these days since the cash-strapped nation might soon be forced to default on its loans. The country has a set of debt payments due this month and there is not enough money in the government's offers to meet these obligations. Some traders have speculated that this could spark a huge outflow of cash from the euro region, possibly leading to an influx of investments in cryptocurrencies, eventually driving bitcoin prices higher. However, some members of the bitcoin community say that this is a....
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Some believe that the global economic climate is getting worse by the day, with the collapse of Cyprus, Greece (Grexit), Argentina, Venezuela, Zimbabwe in our rearview mirror. The potential implosion of Italy, Spain, and others looking to vacate the European Union appear to be on deck. These are trade winds, or economic tea leaves to be read. Do you believe what the mainstream media’s eyes and ears are telling you? I say get all the information, from all sides, to make an educated decision that will affect your financial future, because it looks like the future is about to get affected in....
Written by Colin Kwan, COO of Magnr/BTC.sx. Colin has over 10 years experience in investment banking, including senior management roles at UBS and Deutsche Bank. Colin also holds an MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management. At the time of writing, the Greece debt crisis appears to have been averted, or at the least delayed. A €50 billion bailout package has been offered, if the Greek parliament agrees to implement extensive reforms that have been demanded by the eurozone. Although the risk of a Grexit has been reduced, it has not been eliminated. If the parliament votes to....
Bitcoin prices are on the move upward. Bitcoin volume trading is on the move upward. Greece is on the move downward to a total collapse. Coincidence? I think not. Why? This has all happened once before, over two years ago and maybe we can all learn from the experience, especially all the day traders and speculators out there. So let’s take a look at where we’ve been as far as bitcoin price and where we may end up going in the near future. Let’s all be bitcoin speculators, in a week where the Greeks have an entire week to speculate on their economic future, with an extended bank holiday in....
On Saturday, the Litecoin market holdings were dropped like third-period French. In much the same fashion, the ultra-secure altcoin Dash has also seen a marked rise in trading over the weekend, stoking fears of an equally precipitous decline in the coming days. As we reported on Friday, an alleged “Pump-and-Dump” scam was suspected for the Litecoin currency and its sudden meteoric rise. Advocates of the altcoins would remark that the Grexit is a factor in the sudden value spikes and has helped them, as it has bitcoin. The hard numbers do not bear this out. For no particular reason, trading....
In March/April 2013, the exchange rate of bitcoin soared as a consequence of harsh capital controls introduced in Cyprus. Many people came to the conclusion that governments and banks couldn't be trusted with their hard-earned savings, and started looking for alternative ways to store value, out of reach of predatory central banks. Bitcoin came to the rescue, and its price shot up as many people rushed to take money out of their saving accounts and buy bitcoin instead. The recent spike in the exchange rate of bitcoin, which went up 10 percent in the last 24 hours - something unheard of in....