BitTorrent Client to Reward Users with Bitcoin for Seeding
In order to encourage torrent seeding on its platform, a BitTorrent client called JoyStream is venturing into rewarding its users with bitcoin. For now, it is on alpha release for a limited time for users who have signed up on the Bitcoin Testnet. The company was founded by Dr. Bedeho Mender who sought to improve the levels of bandwidth contribution and the lack of incentives for content providers known as seeders in the original BitTorrent client. Micropayments to torrent seeders could be made using bitcoin. Bitcoin Payments for Torrents. This will require leechers or those who download....
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JoyStream, the world's first bitcoin-based BitTorrent client is set to have an alpha release for a limited amount of pre-signed users on the Bitcoin Testnet soon. Founded by Dr. Bedeho Mender, JoyStream attempts to improve the levels of bandwidth contribution and the lack of incentives for content providers known as seeders in the original BitTorrent client, by rewarding JoyStream's seeders with micropayments using multiway payment channels in bitcoin. Users who choose to download content in the JoyStream client are known as leechers, and are required to pay the seeders directly in....
The bitcoin-based BitTorrent client, JoyStream, has Alpha clients ready for download. Founded by Dr. Bedeho Mender, the service adds incentives to downloading and seeding torrent files. Mender’s creation adds micropayment support to a BitTorrent client that offers faster-streaming content by improving increased bandwidth and a reward-based....
BitTorrent client developers at FrostWire are looking to add a touch of pizazz to their software that could start a movement amongst other BitTorrent client developers. See, FrostWire is looking to integrate bitcoin into their software, essentially allowing users to send and receive bitcoin donations by displaying a bitcoin icon by the transfer which then opens up a bitcoin client or bitcoin wallet service online. "The idea is to let users enter an optional Bitcoin address and suggested donation amount along with the torrent they're about to create on FrostWire," said Angel Leon, who is....
JoyStream is a new BitTorrent client that incentivizes users to make file-sharing both faster and monetarily rewarding. Bitcoin micropayments, enabled by JoyStream's built-in smart contracts, allow seeders to be paid as they contribute their bandwidth to the sharing of a given file. Founder and developer Dr. Bendeho Mender demonstrates here: Mender writes: “The brilliant insight of the BitTorrent system was to mobilize the idle upstream bandwidth of peers which had a mutual interest in acquiring the same content through barter tit-for-tat exchange. However, the problem of how to....
Bitcoin and blockchain technology may be among the more obvious tools of evolving Internet decentralization, but BitTorrent, peer-to-peer file sharing, also portends major changes for commerce and industry. Because bitcoin and blockchain technology use peer-to-peer protocols, they are often deployed in BitTorrent projects. Direct File Sharing. WebTorrent, a streaming BitTorrent client for the browser, powered by WebRTC (web real-time communication), allows users to share files directly from their browser, without having to install or configure anything. “WebTorrent is just like BitTorrent,....