Alexandria Uses Block Chain to Preserve World's Knowledge
The premise behind tech start-up Blocktech's Alexandria project is pretty simple: the Library of Alexandria wouldn't have been destroyed had there been a back-up unless the back-ups had been destroyed too. As many readers are surely aware, the Library of Alexandria was an Egyptian wonder that was destroyed during a war which Rome (who at the time ruled Egypt) was losing. Obviously there is no footage from the event, but historical accounts contend that it was Caesar himself who inadvertently started the fire by burning his own ships. Mankind will never know how much we really lost from the....
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The blockchain technology is enables us to reinvent a lot of applications and to develop a new generation of apps that simply weren’t possible only a few years ago. Blocktech is one company among working to enhance the use of the blockchain technology. Moreover, Blocktech is applying this new technology to develop several distributed applications, new....
In an effort to save the future of the Library of Alexandria, blockchain technology could help preserve records and archive systems. The study of history and ancient people is immensely important to preserving the knowledge passed down through the generations. Unfortunately, the significance of the knowledge is particularly acute when it is lost. With tragedies such as the fire of the Library of Alexandria, or the pillaging of the House of Wisdom in ancient Baghdad, or the more recent losses of artifacts at the Iraq Museum, perspectives were lost, advancements in philosophy and literature....
Modern scholars agree that one of the earliest systems of writing appeared in Sumer in the late 4th millennium BC as a way to keep account of inventories and record transactions. Humanity sure has come a long way from signing records on clay tablets. Now a new service called Blocksign allows anyone to sign legally binding documents and preserve records on the blockchain. This technology is very disruptive and has the potential to render notaries and other record keeping industries – obsolete. Blocksign is a service that lets people digitally sign legally binding documents and preserve a....
A new company, BlockSign, lets customers digitally sign legally binding contracts and preserve them in the public domain. Running on the block chain, the decentralised public ledger that records transactions on the bitcoin network, the BlockSign platform provides a way to sign, timestamp and later verify documents on the web. How BlockSign works. From a user perspective, BlockSign works as a web application. A PDF signed with the program will indicate where a signature is to be placed, and the user places a stamp in a stylized font there. Into this signature is encoded an email address and....
Bitcoin was designed to be a decentralized and trustless payment network - with the power to do this provided by the block chain and its ability to publicly confirm the digital currency's digital transactions. Rather contentiously, however, as the bitcoin economy expands, more and more transactions are being carried out off the block chain. Such transactions are tracked on private databases instead of the block chain, and cannot be publicly tracked. There are pros and cons to both systems. So, which are better? Off-block chain or on-block chain transactions? Visible payments. Legitimate....