Can Bitcoin Make a Difference in the Global Aid Sector?
Cash and gifts-in-kind are the two main types of relief when it comes to assisting those who have suffered in the face of natural disasters, but bitcoin is becoming an ever more popular option. In the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, over $14bn was pledged by the international community for the relief and recovery of the 14 countries affected by the natural disaster - one of the deadliest recorded in history. Paul Currion, an independent consultant for humanitarian organisations, told CoinDesk this "huge outpour of public support" meant a lot of organisations had more funding....
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UPDATE: In this article we used a picture from blockchain.info which has been deleted! The company Blockchain and its products have nothing to do with what the author writes in this article! However it might caused confusion as we included their picture before. We are sorry for this misunderstanding! Bitcoin critics often make the clame that “crypto-based technology has nothing to contribute to the everyday world.” It seems like demonizing digital currency is a zealous fetish of theirs, while blatantly ignoring the breakthroughs already made and the potential that the blockchain technology....
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Roger Gabriel has four years of experience working in a financial division of IBM in Argentina and 5 years working on e-commerce businesses. He is launching a Bitcoin trading platform that is easy enough for anyone in South America to use. Ruben Alexander: How did you get started with Bitcoin? Roger Gabriel: On bitcoin itself around July of last year, I read a lot about the currency and it intrigued me. Made my first purchase of around 0.25 BTC and just held it on a wallet. On developing a platform around November of last year, I had purchased several coins and made some profit [and] I....
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