Bitcoin Price Watch: Breakout On Today
At the end of last week, we widened out our range a little bit and headed into the weekend looking to draw on our intra range strategy in order to take advantage of volatility in the bitcoin price. Action has now matured over the weekend, and as we head into a fresh European week, we are going to revert back to out standard bitcoin price breakout strategy for today's session. So, with this said, here are the levels we are keeping an eye on today, alongside our predefined risk management parameters for the session. Take a quick look at the chart to get an idea of where we are heading. As....
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Yesterday afternoon, we published our twice-daily bitcoin price watch piece. In the piece, we highlighted the levels that we would be looking at around evening during the Asian session, and suggested that - as a result of the widening of our regular parameters - we could probably get in and out of the markets according to our intra-range strategy. Action has now matured overnight, and - as we head into a fresh European session - what of levels that we are keeping an eye on in the bitcoin price today, and how can we try and draw profit from the market on the back of these parameters? Take a....
As we have seen so many times over the past few weeks, and as we mentioned in yesterday's bitcoin price watch piece, the breakout action we have seen as late has often come during the Asian session (overnight Europe). We closed out yesterday's session with a couple of key parameters that we were looking to watch overnight, and low and behold, the bitcoin price broke through the upside of these parameters shortly after 5 AM GMT, and having done so, proceeded to carve out fresh weekly highs. With this said, what are the levels that we are keeping an eye on in the bitcoin price today, have....
Earlier this morning we published our pre-session bitcoin price watch piece. We suggested the levels to watch in the bitcoin price throughout today's European session, and pointed out that we had finally seen some action in the bitcoin market over the weekend, and that we would be looking to draw on this volatility to get in and out of the markets today. Action has now matured, and as we head into the Asian session this evening - what are the levels that we are watching tonight, and are we looking at a range bound, or breakout strategy going forward? Let's take a look. First, consider the....
Here is our slightly altered (but hopefully just as effective) bitcoin price watch intraday strategy for Friday's European session. Those who have followed along with our bitcoin price watch pieces over the last few weeks will have noticed a common thread running through our strategy. We’ve been defining relatively tight ranges and skipping in and out of the markets with these ranges on breakout scalp trades. It’s been somewhat effective but there have been some pretty frustrating periods through which we’ve had to sit and stay net flat in the markets. Well, to mix things up a little....
Here's what we are looking at for today's morning session - a return to breakout from yesterday evening's scalps. Yesterday afternoon, in the second of our twice daily bitcoin price watch pieces, we mixed things up a little bit. At time of writing we remained well within the range we had pre-slated as the one to watch for the morning session, and this gave us two choices. One, remain with that framework only (which, of course, wouldn’t have made for a particularly interesting evening’s worth of trading, or a particularly interesting analysis, for that matter); or bring a scalp strategy to....