London Bitcoin Forum - Europe’s Leading Conference for Bitcoin & Blockchain Innovations

London Bitcoin Forum - Europe’s Leading Conference for Bitcoin & Blockchain Innovations

On March 23 & 24 2016, taking place at the QEII Centre, in the heart of London, The London Bitcoin Forum is bringing together 900 attendees, more than 60 expert speakers and 20+ media partners for a prestigious two-day event featuring powerful keynote talks, plenty of networking opportunities, demos and panels about upcoming challenges and opportunities provided by Bitcoin and the Blockchain Technology in this new emerging reality where collaboration is the key.

Attendees that participate will have the opportunity to meet those at the forefront of the Bitcoin &Blockchain community and gain new insights from important talks like: Public vs Private Blockchains, Financial Smart Contracts, Distributed Ledger Technology. Unlike many other events, the London Bitcoin forum will feature an important debate on Scaling Issues, Blocksize Limit, Forks and also a panel on Global and UK Regulation & Compliance. New Speakers are welcomed to register until March 5th.

With a large select audience of experts, financial executives, entrepreneurs, fund managers, journalists and an impressive speaker line-up, The London Bitcoin Forum offers a unique opportunity for sponsors to showcase companies, product innovations or services to those that really matter, get in touch with investors or use it as a recruiting platform in the -Career Opportunities with Blockchain Companies- section.

In this section companies looking to expand their teams are invited to present their Bitcoin related job offers, internships and career opportunities. Anyone passionate about Bitcoin &Blockchain interested in helping build the future is also invited to take part in this section for career insights and maybe find their new employer.

The forum will feature a panel dedicated to Bitcoin Casinos and Gambling websites focusing on talks about how Bitcoin can reshape the online gambling industry and showcase some of the best online casinos which accept Bitcoin.

Early bird tickets for the forum are now live at:

The early bird rate (£115 for a Full 2-Day Pass) will apply until March 5th. Students have the opportunity to purchase a ticket for just £75.

For more information on the London Bitcoin Forum, please visit:

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