Bitcoin Price Watch; Tightening Things Up
Here's what we are looking at for tonight's bitcoin price intraday strategy. Range, breakout and stops/targets included. We’re going to kick of this analysis a little differently than normal. We are in a live trade based on an upside breakout a little earlier on today, and as such, our strategy dictates that we shouldn’t be looking to enter any further trades until this one resolves – be that through a stop loss hit or a target take out. The latter of the two is looking more likely as things stand, but as we’ve seen over the last few weeks in particular, the bitcoin price space can be....
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Yesterday afternoon we noted that action in the bitcoin price seemed to have tightened up, and that as a result, we were going to tighten up the ranges we were trading (alongside our risk management and target parameters) to accommodate these conditions. The hope was, that by tightening things up, we would be able to get in on any volatility, however small, and draw a quick profit from what look to be very uncertain markets. As it turns out, things didn’t work out quite as we’d hoped. The bitcoin price remained pretty much within the range we slated as the one to watch overnight, until a....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this morning. So we’ve come to the end of the week, and it’s been an interesting one! We’ve had a couple of classical patterns, some intrarange action, and some nice breakout scalps. All of these things have given us opportunities to get in and out of the markets for a few good take profit hits. We’ve also seen a few stop loss hits, but as things stand, we remain net up on the market. We’ve got one day’s worth of trading left, and we want to try and make the most of it. As we head into today’s session, then, what are we looking....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. The European session is just about to draw to a close, and it is time to take the second of our twice-daily looks at the bitcoin price. Action throughout the day has been relatively flat, and we haven’t really had any opportunity to get in and out of the markets according to the rules of either our intrarange or our breakout strategies. This isn’t too much of a problem. Sometimes patience is key in these kinds of situations, and as the last few weeks’ worth of trading have shown us, we generally see things start to....
Here's what we are going to watch for tonight's session in the bitcoin price. Before we get started on this evening’s analysis, there are two things worth pointing out from this morning’s publication. The first, that we remain well within the range we slated, which likely means that we’ve seen the end of last’s night’s decline, at least temporarily. Second, that we did get a brief correction, and we managed to pick out the reversal point almost to the cent. Bragging rights aside, why is this important? Well, it validates our upside key level (i.e. resistance) and suggests there’s probably....
Here's what we are looking t trade in the bitcoin price this evening out of the US and Asia The European session is about to close for the day, and the US afternoon is set to take over the lion’s share of the bitcoin price market volume. As ever, the second of our two daily bitcoin price analyses will cover our approach going forward into the US afternoon and beyond into Asia, with a specific focus on how action played out today (in relation to our predefined intraday strategy) and how we can interpret this action as part of this evening’s plan. So, with this said, and as we head into the....