Bitcoin and Public Blockchains Will Power the Smart Contracts Revolution
As the study of 'smart contracts' went from strange academic curiosity to the cutting-edge of FinTech, most market observers are still wondering just how this revolution in value transfer works. Smart contracts, for those who still don't know, are small bits of code attached to an asset, which determines where and how the underlying asset will perform based on events in the network. The promise of financial instruments that are routed through the economy autonomously, and without need for intervention by a custodian, is immense. But exactly how does such a technology work? And what makes a....
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As the developer of a popular blockchain platform, I sometimes gets asked whether Ethereum-like smart contracts are on the MultiChain roadmap. The answer I always give is always: 'No, or at least not yet'. But in the hype-filled world of blockchains, smart contracts are all the rage, so why ever not? Well, the problem is, while we now know of three strong use cases for permissioned bitcoin-style blockchains (provenance, company recordkeeping and lightweight finance), we've yet to find the equivalent for Ethereum smart contracts. It's not that people don't understand what they want smart....
Smart contracts are a key underpinning of blockchain technology, yet they are still misunderstood in many ways. In the fullness of their deployment, they will be no less revolutionary than the invention of the HTML markup language that allowed information to be openly published and linked on the Web. Smart contracts promise to program our world on the head of blockchains, and potentially replace many functions currently executed by expensive or slow intermediaries. Historically, the concept was first introduced by Nick Szabo in 1994. Smart contracts then had a long gestation period of....
As demand for smart contracts climbs, Chainlink’s modular oracle for the Substrate framework aims to power developers and defi applications with trusted off-chain information and pricing data needed to attract projects to Polkadot and Kusama. Blistering Growth in Defi and Smart Contracts Beckon New Layer of Trust As the smart contract revolution continues to gain traction, the fissures and flaws in existing infrastructure that supports these transactional protocols are becoming more apparent. Among the chief issues facing smart contracts, costs and security are the main factors in....
Smart Contract Oracle Solutions: the New Herald of Crypto Fundraising With smart contracts and DeFi gaining traction in droves, and the numbers of new entrants into the ecosystem growing, the smart contract revolution appears to be kicking into gear this year. Recent fundraising successes that bucked the trend of failing token sales in recent years suggest that investors are now looking to projects that seek the remaining piece of the puzzle in functional smart contracts. […]
Smart contracts hold tremendous promise as the 'killer app' for blockchains. If you're not familiar, a smart contract is a computer program that automatically executes the terms of a contract on a blockchain. In principle, you can use smart contracts for a wide variety of purposes, such as wireless service contracts, apartment and hotel room rentals, freelance work contracts, automating payments – anyplace you'd want to cut out the middle person. With more than $17bn in assets stored in just the top 10 cryptocurrencies, there currently is a huge opportunity to give existing blockchain....