Ukraine Student Sold Hard Drugs Over Tor in Exchange for Bitcoin
Accepting Bitcoin payments is the easiest way to respect customer privacy over the Internet, but it is not an anonymous payment method. A portion of the hard drugs - worth over 50,000 hryvnia or US$,1825 - were confiscated during the arrest. There is no word on whether or not any Bitcoins have been seized during this intervention. Bitcoin has often been associated with illegal activities on the Internet, ranging from drug dealing to assassination and just about everything in between. However, none of this is to blame on Bitcoin or its technology, as Internet criminals accept the form of....
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The drugs procured from darknet marketplaces are much safer than those available on the streets due to various reasons, states a recent report by EMCDDA. The rise of darknet marketplaces is attributed to the increased adoption of digital currencies like Bitcoin. Darknet marketplaces use digital currencies as a mode of transaction to ensure anonymity of all the parties involved. Lately, law enforcement agencies from across the world are trying hard to bring dark net drug dealers to book. They have been met with limited success as these marketplaces continue to evolve. However, there is a....