Japan Debates Regulating Bitcoin as Currency; Banks Eager to Study Blockchain
Japan recently made headlines by announcing that its government was considering defining Bitcoin and other digital currencies as currency rather than commodity. This was confirmed by Tomonori Kanda, representing the financial affairs section of the Liberation Democratic Party (LDP). He told The Guardian that the plan was to bring the matter up in....
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The Japanese financial newspaper Nikkei reported in early March that the country’s parliament, the Diet, will soon vote on a set of Bitcoin regulations to be put forward by the ruling cabinet. The regulations proposed by Finance Minister Taro Aso of the ruling Liberal Democratic cabinet would classify Bitcoin as a currency, impose new requirements on Bitcoin exchanges and allow banks and securities firms to invest and trade in the virtual currency. Following the collapse of Mt. Gox in early 2014, then the largest Bitcoin exchange in the world, Japan built a firewall separating Bitcoin from....
The Japanese Cabinet, this morning, declared that it does not consider Bitcoin to be a currency, reports Reuters. Japanese government says it may tax Bitcoin deals and impose regulations on its handling by the financial sector - details of which have not yet been specified. Not Our Job. There seems to be some reticence between Japanese authorities to address the matter of cryptocurrency. In today's statement the cabinet said: “Any bitcoin transactions are taxable when they fulfill requisitions stated by laws on income tax, corporate tax and consumption tax.” The Financial Services....
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