Industry Report: Bitcoin Is Still on Drugs, No Detox in Sight
Coinbase undergoes some changes, Bitcoin can’t break it’s drug habit, and Silk Road has a heart of gold. Here’s what you might have missed in this week’s cryptocurrency news: COINBASE. Bitcoin exchange Coinbase is changing its name to Global Digital Asset Exchange (GDAX) after announcing support for Ether trading on its platform. Why is Ether suddenly all the rage? Recently, Ethereum has launched the world’s largest crowdfunding campaign for its new DAO project, which is being hyped as the ultimate way to allocate capital. The campaign has managed to raise over $150 million USD, and....
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Drugs are generally classified as illegal in most of the places across the world. Each country has its own legislation against the production, sale, possession and consumption of different recreational drugs. Just because the use of certain drugs for recreational purposes is illegal doesn't mean those drugs are not available in that country. People can always find ways to procure these substances through intermediaries or they can always order over the internet on sites like Silk Road. People sometimes pay a small fortune to procure these drugs, and they may not always get what they paid....
The drugs procured from darknet marketplaces are much safer than those available on the streets due to various reasons, states a recent report by EMCDDA. The rise of darknet marketplaces is attributed to the increased adoption of digital currencies like Bitcoin. Darknet marketplaces use digital currencies as a mode of transaction to ensure anonymity of all the parties involved. Lately, law enforcement agencies from across the world are trying hard to bring dark net drug dealers to book. They have been met with limited success as these marketplaces continue to evolve. However, there is a....
Law enforcement authorities in Spain have arrested a man who was selling drugs procured from the deep web. Bitcoin and drugs are known to go well together. While there is some truth to it, the media has portrayed digital currency as the preferred currency for buying and selling illegal drugs, contraband and weapons. But again the definition of “Illegal Drugs” vary from place to place. The law enforcement authorities in A Coruna province recently arrested a man who was selling drugs over the internet in the region. According to the police, the perpetrator used to place online advertisements....
Shopping for drugs on darknet marketplaces is growing despite authorities’ concerted efforts to shut them down, according to a new survey. The Darknet Lives. The Global Drug Survey 2016 (GDS) reports that almost one in 10 participants (9.3 percent) have purchased drugs on the internet at least once — up from 6.7 percent in 2015 and 4.5 percent in 2014.....