China’s Increasing Debt Burden Could Affect the Bitcoin Economy
According to the Bank for International Settlements’ credit-to-GDP gap, China could be dangerously close to a banking crisis that could threaten the future growth of the entire economy. Is China’s Debt-driven Economy on an Unsustainable Path? The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), a widely-respected financial watchdog, has reported that China’s....
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The latest grim milestone for the U.S. economy means that its national debt total is now 4,000% larger than the Bitcoin market cap. The United States’ national debt has passed $30 trillion — and even all the Bitcoin (BTC) in the world would hardly touch it.According to the latest official statistics, U.S. national debt is at levels never seen before, passing the psychological $30-trillion barrier for the first time this week.Bitcoin is worth less than 3% of U.S. national debtAfter two years of liquidity injections fuelled by issuing even more debt, the Federal Reserve is attempting to rein....
According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), China needs to control its corporate debt before the situation becomes unmanageable. Does bitcoin hold the answer? A report from the IMF has found that at $25 trillion, China’s debt accounts for 254 percent of GDP. As a consequence, startups and businesses could soon turn their attention to the growing popularity of bitcoin. Of course, China isn’t the only country that is experiencing a high percentage of GDP. CNN reports that the U.S. also has a similar percentage, but what sets China apart is the rate at which it has been growing. A....
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Fiat money extends the debt cycle and traps citizens in ever-increasing inflation — but bitcoin forces a reckoning.