SpaceBIT Introduces First Ever Space Banking Program For Bitcoin And Cryptocurrencies

SpaceBIT Introduces First Ever Space Banking Program For Bitcoin And Cryptocurrencies

SpaceBIT, the first decentralized space company, is pleased to announce the unprecedented space banking project for digital currencies. The company is set to launch a constellation of nano-satellites that will act not only as depositories for digital cash, but also as a platform to provide global and universal access to remote areas around the globe where payment infrastructures are non-existent.

“Our goal is to establish a secure decentralized banking system with common banking services for current and future crypto-currency users around the world”, said Pavlo Tanasyuk, one of the SpaceBIT founders.

Furthermore he added that the company will support the expansion of crypto-currency markets and establish their ongoing presence in the world economy.

In the short term, SpaceBIT will focus on building a transparent, secured and affordable blockchain based payment system to ‘un-banked’ populations. Different currencies are suited for different applications. For example bitcoin can be used as a universal ledger and other reliable financial instruments to be used for different services depending on use case and jurisdiction.

The program is currently forming a committee of high profile specialists from various industries, including finance, space, law and technology. In addition, SpaceBIT is in the process of partnering with land-based banks and exchanges to comply with local regulations and jurisdictions, while simultaneously creating borderless transaction systems.

“We believe that is important to stay fully compliant and transparent, while providing global access to our future users. Partnerships with banks will give us the possibility of providing traditional financial services with convenient and simple crypto payments on a global scale”, said Pavlo Tanasyuk.

“Crypto currency in itself is a science fiction becoming a reality”
Brock Pierce, Member of The Bitcoin Foundation

The SpaceBIT team is to make appearances at multiple venues around the world throughout 2015 to give more in-depth presentations on logistics, engage interested parties and create a discourse around the implementation.

Ian Angell, Emeritus Professor at the London School of Economics and a co-founder of SpaceBIT, is available for interviews

About SpaceBIT

SpaceBIT is the first decentralized space company, currently undergoing the stage TRL5 of the first-ever space banking project. The main goal of the company is to establish a secure decentralised banking system with common banking services for current and future crypto-currency users around the world.

SpaceBIT was founded by Pavlo Tanasyuk, who holds degree in Technology Policy from Cambridge University and Ian Angell, Emeritus Professor at the London School of Economics, internationally renowned as a ‘futurologist’, in particular for his views on the future of money, and a speaker on space bank programmes since 1998.

For more information about SpaceBIT please proceed to the website:

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