Blockchain.info Down, Users Have No Access to Wallets
The world's most popular Bitcoin wallet with more than 8 mln Blockchain wallet users is down. As at the time of this publication, Blockchain.info has been down for more than four hours. The web server reports a bad gateway error, with a message on the website’s landing page that says: “Looks like our site is down. We're working on it and should be back up soon”. A tweet from the wallet says they are looking into a DNS issue. In another tweet, they say they are making progress with resolving the issue but need several hours to fully restore services. However, as expected, since many users....
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What could it mean? Oh hey, something interesting just popped up. Shhhhhhhh. ) pic.twitter.com/Uis5bchfVd. - Blockchain.info (@blockchain) February 2, 2014. Blockchain just tweeted this a few hours ago. Looks like they purchased Blockchain.com on 28 January, 2014 based on a simple whois search. Until recently, Blockchain.com belonged to an unknown entity, whose identity was protected with WhoisGuard. Blockchain has been trying to purchase the domain since the summer of 2012, and it seems like they've finally succeeded. Most likely, users will now be able to access their wallets from....
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Popular online wallet provider Blockchain.info today sent a tweet that notes that the service has had 70,000 new wallet registrations in the period of one week. If basic math isn't your forte, that's 10,000 new sign-ups per day, which is certainly a significant number. Blockchain.info is known for their ease-of-use online wallets, and as such, has become quite reputable in the Bitcoin community. Not only that, Blockchain.info also serves as the de facto place to view Bitcoin transactions taking place around the world, which of course are public as per the Bitcoin protocol. No doubt, the....