ShapeShift Security Chief Michael Perklin: "2017 Will Be the Year of Blockchains"
Digital currency trading company ShapeShift understands the increasing importance of offering secure services safe from the hacks that have plagued the space in the last year, and has turned to Canadian security expert Michael Perklin to step in as the new Chief Information Security Officer. Perklin first collaborated with ShapeShift (based in....
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ShapeShift has recently announced that Michael Perklin has joined the team as Chief Information Security Officer. Cointelegraph has caught up Michael Perklin and Erik Voorhees, CEO and Founder of ShapeShift, on their way from Satoshi Roundtable and asked to elaborate on some key security concerns that come with Blockchain technology. Coming back stronger. Unfortunately, hacks are still inevitable, and ShapeShift suffered a breach in April 2016. A significant sum from the company’s hot wallet was stolen but not a cent of customer funds was lost, stated Erik Voorhees, the company’s CEO the....
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