Segwit on Testnet Supports 1.7 MB Blocks With 8800+ Transactions
Bitcoin Core’s scaling solution Segregated Witness (Segwit) will likely support 1.7 MB bitcoin blocks when activated, testnet experiments have revealed. According to Smartbit, a bitcoin testnet data provider, Segwit is currently able to process 1.7 MB blocks on the bitcoin testnet, with more than 8,865 transactions. The current bitcoin blockchain capped with a 1 MB block size can only handle around 2,500 transactions. However, the transactions processed on the testnet were p2pkh transactions. Although the standard 1 MB blocks are limited to process around 2,500 transactions, they can still....
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Remember Windows Vista? The new Coke? An upgrade is not always a good thing until it is a good thing. Yet, without making changes and testing, things will never improve. Bitcoin Core is also going to be upgraded and hopefully things will be better for the cryptocurrency after it comes out. The new version is 0.13.0, and this release brings several new features, but the chief among them is Segregated Witness (Segwit) which is likely to solve some crucial issues which has plagued Bitcoin such as scalability and malleability. Doing more with less. Segwit is a proposed solution to the slowness....
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Three and a half years after the activation of SegWit, adoption of the space-saving transaction format is still far from ideal. According to analysis by Mark “Murch” Erhardt of Chaincode Labs, 88% of all Bitcoin transaction inputs pay higher fees than are necessary. Erhardt bases his conclusion on data showing just 12% of transaction inputs use the SegWit format, which is less fee intensive than transacting with legacy inputs.Erhardt believes that a reliance on legacy transaction fees keeps Bitcoin blocks smaller than they could otherwise be, contributing to a seemingly growing backlog of....