The 50th Anniversary of ‘Nixon Shock:’ How Suspending the Dollar’s Convertibi...
Approximately 50 years ago today, Americans were introduced to ‘Nixon Shock’ when the 37th president of the United States suspended the convertibility of the U.S. dollar into gold. Since this point in time, the U.S. economy has never been the same as many believe Richard Nixon ushered in a new era of uncontrollable fiat currency creation. 50 Years Ago Today, Nixon Shook the World Today is the anniversary of when U.S. president Richard Milhous Nixon told the American public on August 15, 1971, that the administration along with the Treasury would immediately suspend the U.S.....
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Just over 50 years ago, Richard Nixon ended the U.S. dollar’s gold backing. In the 50 years since, it’s been clear that we need Bitcoin.
British billionaire Simon Nixon, co-founder of price-comparison site moneysupermarket.com, is looking to invest more into Bitcoin and crypto, Bloomberg reports.