On 50th Fiat Anniversary, Bitcoin Can Solve U.S. Gratification Addictions
On the 50th anniversary of the fiat dollar, the U.S. is addicted to instant gratification in money printing, processed foods and more.My fellow plebeians of Bitcoin, El Salvadorians, Nigerians and Americans… I bring you here today for a very special reason. It is the 50th anniversary of a moment that has proven so pivotal and insidious, that every single corner of America’s economic market is feeling lasting ripple effects that have swelled into their own tsunamisFifty years ago today, a secret meeting at Camp David, comprised of U.S. President Richard Nixon and senior ranking White House....
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Author and psychologist Jordan Peterson said that hyperinflation hurts those who are the pillars of society. The ability to save up is an essential tool for self-regulation and planning for the future, but when inflation becomes uncontrollable, those who put in their efforts to delay gratification get punished for their choice. On the other hand, Bitcoin (BTC) does the opposite, according to clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson. In the show called What is Money?, Peterson joined the Bitcoin entrepreneur Robert Breedlove to talk about money and discuss the effects of fiat inflation on....
Today marks the 33rd anniversary of the Black Monday on Wall Street that sent stocks setting historic records for intraday declines. Although this year already had a similar day of its own, there’s reason to believe that another collapse could happen in Bitcoin. Here are the primary factors behind what could cause the crypto market to drop on the ominous anniversary. Will Bitcoin Bow To Black Monday Anniversary? Black Thursday is a day that crypto […]
PRESS RELEASE. Ariva, a next-generation tourism & travel blockchain protocol, celebrated the first anniversary of its launch on May 25, 2022. This development marks an impressive milestone for the blockchain project that has taken the tourism sector by storm in recent months.
Ariva launches reward program to celebrate 1st anniversary
Ariva has announced a giveaway campaign to celebrate the first birthday that will reward users with different prizes. This includes a limited collection of its Arivaman NFT to 6 winners, $30 million ARV tokens to 30 participants and $6k....