Crypto Chi: The future (and energy) of money and technology
Crypto Chi is a combination of financial innovation, libertarian and capitalist ideology, and human empowerment. Throughout 2020, we saw a consistent flow of news about legacy finance, major investment companies and large corporations looking to enter the digital assets industry. The value proposition for investing in Bitcoin (BTC) and other digital currencies started to move beyond just a store of value or thinking of Bitcoin as a commodity like digital gold.In 2021, we’ll see the market’s understanding of Bitcoin maturing even further. The narrative will shift from a store of value to a....
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Bitcoin’s unique energy use incentives, ability to store stranded energy and more make it the future of our energy consumption as a planet.
A new survey has found that the energy sector in Germany may soon be adopting the blockchain technology with many energy companies outlining a road map for the implementation of the technology in the future, according to the German news site, Contra Magazin. The survey, undertaken by Deutsche Energie-Agentur (German Energy Agency) and ESMT Berlin, looked at the responses from 70 executives serving firms in the energy sector. The results found that 39 percent indicated that their companies have plans in the future to implement the technology. While another 13 percent stated that they....
The energy sector may soon be looking at widespread implementation of blockchain technology, indicates a survey conducted by Deutsche Energie- Agentur and ESMT Berlin. Bitcoin’s underlying blockchain technology is making inroads into every industry sector possible. The energy sector is one such industry which may soon see a widespread adoption. According to reports, a survey conducted by the Deutsche Energie- Agentur (German Energy Agency) and ESMT Berlin has indicated that many energy companies already have a blockchain technology roadmap in place for future implementation. The survey....
In physics, the definition of "energy" is "that which allows work to be done." This means that money is energy, since it can be used to do work via payments to people. The energy in money can be thought of as "economic energy". Economists call economic energy "price" and measure it in terms of "euros" or "Kenyan shillings" and so on. But, these units are abstract because their quantity changes over time. Physicists would prefer to use units such as joules or kilowatt-hours, which have a concrete basis in physical realities of mass....
Could Bitcoin run the world in the future, instead of the current fiat currency system? SWIFT thought enough of this question to study the idea in-depth. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the Earth gets more solar power from the sun in a single hour than humanity uses in an entire year. Yet, solar power only provided 0.39% of the energy used in the US last year. Why? Because the world runs on hazardous, inefficient, primitive oil. Why? Because the countries, governments, and businesses of the world want it that way to control the use of money, energy and systems on the planet.....