Crypto Reacts To The NFT NYC Conference: The Bad And The Ugly
This is the slightly negative part of Bitcoinists NFT NYC report. For an intro, and the positive side of the event click here. Since we will quote this CNBC report later on, let’s paint a picture of NFT NYC with their words. “Inside the Marriott Marquis nearby, where the conference has rented six floors, crowds […]
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Sadly, the NFT NYC conference took place at the beginning of what looks like a crypto bear market. The industry was blowing up when the estimated 15.000 attendees bought the tickets, which ranged between $599 and $1999. When June 20th arrived, most of their portfolios were probably down and tending towards disaster. That didn’t stop […]
We’ve covered the Bitcoin 2022 conference from every possible angle. Except for this one. Our editor reported from the ground, and gave us a look at the art. We covered individual panels in-depth, like this one from Mr. Wonderful and this one from the activists. We even highlighted the good, the bad, and the ugly […]
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Ladies and gentlemen, we live in a Taproot world. The update will enhance Bitcoin’s performance and enable smart contract deployment. Starting today, all transactions in the Bitcoin network look alike, improving privacy. It doesn’t even matter how the market reacts. It’s a great day for Bitcoin and the community is celebrating it as such, sharing […]
Crypto Twitter reacts to the announcement and answers the question: Just how big a deal is this?