Ethereum’s ‘London’ hardfork set to go live on testnets starting June 24th
Three Ethereum testnets now have a set date for the London hardfork, a key step towards a full mainnet implementation. The hotly anticipated “London” Ethereum hardfork now has a set block height for three Ethereum testnets — a key penultimate step towards a full mainnet launch.In a blog post on the Ethereum Foundation’s website, Ethereum core developer Tim Beiko wrote that the Ropsten, Goerli, and Rinkeby testnets now have set block heights at which London will go live, with Ropsten expected to be the first at block 10499401, or sometime on June 24th. Goerli is expected to be next on June....
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According to a blog post on the Ethereum Foundation’s website, three Ethereum testnets leveraging the London hard fork will go live during the next few weeks. Ethereum core developer Tim Beiko explained last Friday that the “upgrade will first go live on Ropsten, at block 10499401, which is expected to happen around June 24, 2021.” London Upgrade Begins to Root With Testnet Implementations Slated to Launch Three Ethereum testnets will see the London upgrade applied in the near future which shows progress is being made toward implementing the new features. Essentially, the....
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