Crypto at risk after Facebook leak: Here’s how hackers can exploit data
Attacks on digital asset exchanges and trading platforms have decreased drastically in recent years, but data leaks still leave users vulnerable. Facebook is no stranger to data hacks and leaks, with the company having been on the receiving end of many high-profile security breaches in recent years. For example, back in 2018, the social media giant revealed that it had inadvertently exposed the personal information of more than 50 million users due to a small error in its platform coding, thus allowing miscreants to gain access to its users’ accounts.Similarly, in 2020, the Mark....
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Crypto hackers have been making off with billions of dollars from the market every year. These hackers who find vulnerabilities in the products being used by investors have been known to cart away hundreds of millions at a time. 2022 has proven to be no different from these hackers who have ramped up their efforts. […]
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