In crypto, no one cares who you are: Here’s why that’s a good thing
Blockchains provide a trust-free anonymous intermediary for objective transactional actions, putting wealth transfer back in the hands of the individual and out of the hands of centralized control.This, unsurprisingly, has stepped on the toes of a number of governments. To make matters worse, supporting this technology can be misconstrued as taking a stance against your home nation and can pose a massive risk to someones reputation. So, what can we do about it?One exciting phenomenon that has surfaced over the years in blockchain culture is the choice to use an alias or pseudonym while....
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Blockchain transactions need privacy to catalyze mass adoption. On-chain privacy is coming, and that’s good for businesses and investors. Innovations in the crypto space appear daily. Whether through decentralized applications or new ways to implement and use nonfungible tokens (NFTs) within decentralized finance, blockchain technology is innovating at the speed of light. The only thing missing? Widespread adoption. One thing holding this back is the very public nature of the blockchain. DeFi, as it operates now, lacks meaningful privacy. In order to catalyze broad adoption for businesses,....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this morning. That’s another week gone in the bitcoin markets, and to be honest, it’s been a pretty dull turnout. We’ve had the odd scalp breakout, and in turn, the odd profit, and we are heading into the close net up on the markets (which can only be a good thing), but it hasn’t been anything to write home about. With any luck, we will get a bit of volume over the weekend (even better, during today’s morning session) and we will be able to get in on some sustained momentum breakouts. So, with that said, let’s get a look at what....
Can you say landslide? That's the word that possibly most accurately describe's last week's poll. In that poll, we asked: "PayPal integrating digital currency: A good or bad thing?" We thought we might actually have a close race between "yes" and "no", but that wasn't the case at all. In total, there were about 700 votes cast, and a whopping 636 voters (90.86 percent) said that a digital currency integration into the PayPal platform would be considered a good thing. Only 64 people said that such an integration would be bad (9.14 percent). But why in the world would such a thing be....
Ethereum's shift to proof-of-stake will take conventional ETH out of circulation, replaced by a tokenized version of itself, says the CEO of Staked.
Working in the Bitcoin world is like working for a drug addict with bipolar disorder. There are brief periods of astonishing, irrational exuberance followed by long periods of deep existential dread over basically nothing. During the good times, nothing can damage Bitcoin’s spirit. But for most of the time, bitcoiners are a bunch of namby-pamby worry-warts who wet their pants over everything. The Bitcoin world is neurotic in the way that fear dominates it. If there is not enough merchant adoption to satisfy them, they worry about hoarding and a liquidity crunch. If there is too much, they....