Welcome To Liberland, A Nation Created By Bitcoin
Liberland is a sovereign nation that has represented a physical presence of Bitcoin adoption and usage since 2015.Liberland is a sovereign state located between Croatia and Serbia on the west bank of the Danube River. It is the first micronation to have accepted Bitcoin back in 2015, accomplishing the purpose of its president, Vít Jedlička, the one responsible for this "slice" of geography, diplomacy and sovereignty. Liberland, as Jedlička assures, stands as "the freest nation in the world” and maintains the ideals of liberty for its citizens.Joey Langenbrunner, deputy representative of....
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An exciting partnership has been forged between BITNATION and Liberland, which will take open source governance to a whole new level. Creating a voluntary nation is not an easy feat, but the partnerships that have been established by BITNATION so far are certainly putting the concept on the right track. For a concept that many people did not give a great chance of success, BITNATION is creating a positive track record by partnering with various other programs and like-minded people over the past few months. Not only is there the collaboration with Exopshere, but the project is also....
Contrary to what people may assume, the Liberland concept is as bona fide as it gets. Bitcoin enthusiasts are familiar with the name Liberland. This unclaimed piece of land between Croatia and Serbia turned into the Free Republic of Liberland. The country’s first President, Vit Jedlicka, finds himself in a bit of a pickle right now. Due to ongoing issues with Croatan Police, president Jedlicka is incapable of setting foot on his would-be republic. The name Liberland gained mainstream media attention a few months ago. Not only is this free republic rather unique, but the region is also only....
Maybe things where you are just aren't working out. Perhaps your government has gone Jade Helm on you. Maybe taxes are too numerous, the websites you use are under constant Police State surveillance, and even your PayPal account is facing a corporate takeover. Do you dream of greener pastures, and a libertarian hope for freedom in your life? A nation that accepts Bitcoin as a national currency, but doesn't accept an army that one day will be set upon its devoted people. Well, in eastern Europe there is a place for you. It's called Liberland, and they will celebrate their new country and....
Vit Jedlička / Facebook. Vit Jedlička, a member of the conservative Party of Free Citizens in the Czech Republic, has declared himself the President of Liberland, a nation upon terra nullius between Serbia and Croatia. Founded upon the principles of freedom, Liberland has received tens of thousands of applications for citizenship in a 3 square mile country where taxes are optional and military is non-existent.
All hail! The president of Liberland, an anarchist country declared between Croatia and Serbia, has had a baby. The country previously declared it would use digital currency, specifically bitcoin, as its national currency. “The objective of the founders of the new state is to build a country where honest people can prosper without being oppressed by governments making their lives unpleasant through the burden of unnecessary restrictions and taxes,” states the announcement of world’s newest country. The authorities have taken notice. Liberland, officials called the Free Republic of....