Snow Crash's Metaverse was filled with ads in 1992, and the real one will be too

Snow Crash's Metaverse was filled with ads in 1992, and the real one will be too

“Just making sh*t up” — Neal Stevenson’s science fiction novel, Snow Crash, long foretold the rise of a techno-marketing dystopia. Neal Stevenson’s Snow Crash, a techno-dystopian science-fiction novel that has become a legend among Silicon Valley tech bros, predicted the rise of a future Metaverse all the way back in 1992. Despite Stephenson saying that he was “just making sh*t up”, the eerily accurate predictions and worldbuilding of Snow Crash have been long-revered by tech entrepreneurs and futurists including Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg. Now, Stephenson’s striking fictional....

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