Altcoin Roundup: 3 metrics that traders can use to effectively analyze DeFi t...
DeFi presents a wealth of opportunity for investors, but there are also risks. Here are three metrics investors use to analyze decentralized finance tokens and their associated protocols. Much to the chagrin of cryptocurrency proponents who call for the immediate mass adoption of blockchain technology, there are many “digital landmines” that exist in the crypto ecosystem such as rug pulls and protocol hacks that can give new users the experience of being lost at sea. There’s more to investing than just technical analysis and gut feelings. Over the past year, a handful of blockchain....
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Altcoins have been on a real tear for months, but Jarvis Labs analyst Ben Lilly says we’re not in an "alt season" just yet. Few traders would argue against the fact that Bitcoin (BTC) is in a bull market, but there is less consensus on whether the market is in the midst of an "altcoin season." A quick view of Crypto Twitter shows the schism between traders who are certain we are halfway through alt season and those who believe it has yet to begin.Typically, traders rely on a wide swath of indicators and metrics, like Bitcoin’s total market capitalization versus the total altcoin market....
Analyzing Twitter mentions and Google Trends data is another way traders keep an eye on emerging trends and sector rotations in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. A common saying in the investing world is “The trend is your friend,” a phrase that points to the idea that the majority of the time, sticking with the prevailing market trend will produce positive results.Some of the common metrics used to identify market trends include: technical analysis, which involves studying price charts to spot opportunities; fundamental analysis, which involves looking at a project’s underlying economic and....
Looking to build a diversified crypto portfolio? DeFi, stablecoins and oracles are three cornerstone sectors to consider. Welcome to Cointelegraph Market’s Altcoin Roundup, an in-depth newsletter that focuses on investing from the perspective of fundamental analysis and seeks to identify emerging blockchain projects and tokens that fill niche demands within the growing cryptocurrency market.The concept of multi-sector investing has long been advocated in traditional finance as the conventional approach to building a balanced portfolio. Typical allocations include representation of stocks,....
Timing the market is near impossible, but these five metrics can help traders identify when a sector rotation is underway. An important part of preserving investing profits is knowing when an asset or sector is showing signs of exhaustion and when a sector rotation is underway. This is especially important in the rapidly moving cryptocurrency markets, which can change direction in a heartbeat and turn crypto millionaires into depressed bag holders. Most investors know that the nonfungible token (NFT) sector has been on fire since July, and as CryptoPunks, Mutant Ape Yacht Club and pet....
With trading volumes surging and DeFi slowing down, CoinDesk’s Markets Daily is back for your latest crypto news roundup!