Pandacoin Creates First Personal 'Cryptocurrency-Bank' – Generates 2.5% Annual Interest
Pandacoin’s cryptographic algorithm generates 2.5% annual interest for owners of Pandacoins by storing them in their Pandabank.
Pandacoin (PND) is the first cryptocurrency to design, develop and package specifically for the mainstream mass market. In order to appeal to the average user across multiple market segments and cultures that are foreign to the concept of decentralized digital currencies, Pandacoin was created to be simple to use, familiar and easy to understand.
The entire cryptocurrency space is still in its infant stages and has yet to see widespread mainstream mass market adoption and usage as a unit of exchange both online and offline. This is the case as early prototypes such as Bitcoin, Litecoin and Dogecoin, are generally perceived as complex to use, troublesome to buy, difficult to mine and hard to understand.
By creating multiple products and services which lowers multiple high barriers of entry to the fast paced and complex world of decentralized digital currencies, Pandacoin is a cryptocurrency which encourages increased awareness and adoption by the mainstream mass market.
'Crypto-Banking’, Low Inflation and Earning 2.5% Annual Interest
Bitcoin, a SHA-256 algorithm cryptocurrency, currently suffers from double digit annual inflation rate (10% for 2015). Pandacoin operates on a Scrypt Proof-of-Stake algorithm which has an annual inflation rate locked in at a low 2.5%. The static 2.5% figure was created to simulate the 2-3% yearly inflation rate range that most first world governments try to maintain to sustain a healthy economy.
Pandacoin’s cryptographic algorithm generates 2.5% annual interest for owners of Pandacoins by storing them in their PandaBank, a secure and decentralized ‘Crypto-Banking’ application installed on a desktop or laptop. PandaBank is the world’s first main storage of decentralized digital currencies with a familiar conventional internet banking interface, with similar functionalities and introduces the concept of ‘Crypto-Banking’, which allows the generation of annual compounded interest on Pandacoin. PandaBank was designed with a user experience catering to those that are new to the concept of cryptocurrencies, reminiscent of their own traditional money internet banking experiences.
Crypto Crash Course - Simple and Easy to Understand
Pandacoin makes all aspect of cryptocurrency simple and easy to understand with the Crypto Crash Course. With over 35 comprehensive articles and step-by-step tutorials covering multiple topics and frequently asked questions, Pandacoin provides all the information that someone new to cryptocurrency will need to know.
Topics covered include:
What is cryptocurrency?
What are the benefits over traditional money?
What are the risks of cryptocurrency?
What is cryptocurrency mining, algorithms, multipools and hashrates
‘Cryptocurrency Mining’ Redefined – So Easy That Anyone Can Do It
Cryptocurrencies are created through the process of solving algorithms by computer hardware or specialized ‘mining’ hardware called ASICs. In theory, anyone with a computer or desktop should be able to start obtaining a particular cryptocurrency of their choice. However, currently there is a steep learning curve for newcomers to the concept of cryptocurrency mining. A user that wishes to mine cryptocurrencies are required to find and download specialized mining programs specifically made for their hardware and fine-tune complex software settings by following guides sourced online.
Pandacoin has created an Internet Brower Miner that requires no setup to mine. All is required is just the internet browser and an internet connection, ideal for beginner miners to introduce them to the concept of cryptocurrency mining. Intermediate miners could use PandaMiner, a desktop or laptop mining application which simplifies the complicated advanced mining process into an easy to use interface with preset settings.
For More Information about Pandacoin (PND)
Detailed information regarding current infrastructures, future planned developments and general future direction could be found over at Pandacoin’s official announcement:
To find out more features about Pandacoin, please visit http://www.pandacoinpnd.org/
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